
A Minor allows students to explore areas, other than a student’s Major area, of interest and build alternative areas of expertise. Many students are interested in more than one area and wish to build competencies in them of simply grow their interest for life long learning.  Often, areas have complementary learning and career  opportunities. A student desirous of building a pharmaceutical plant post-graduation may want to take a major in life sciences and a minor in operations management or even general engineering or vice-versa. Some other may be doing a major in Chemical Engineering but may have a love for world history and may want to explore a minor in history to  grow their love for life-long learning in that area. Another student majoring in Physics may develop an interest to work an investment bank and may want to complete a minor in Finance.

A student can take a Minor in any area designated as a Minor at any School or Centre of the University.  A Minor area cannot be the same as the major area or in a related area. Some Minors may also have specific pre-requisites. The University permits students to take more than one minor.

A Minor requires completion of 18 credits as specified by the requirements of the minor. Free Electives can be used along with some courses from the Major Requirements and GERs towards a Minor. For instance, a student majoring in a management discipline and wanting to minor in Economics, will already have taken Microeconomics and Macroeconomics as part of their School core requirement. They simply need to take the remaining minor requirements as part of their GERs or Free Electives to complete the minor. 

Academic Advising will be done by Programme Chairs and Major Advisors for various minors.