Assistant Professor
PhD (Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru)
Research Interests: Star Formation, Stellar Evolution, Galaxy Evolution, Space Astronomy, Big Data Analysis in Astronomy
PhD (Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune)
Research Interests: Cosmology, High Energy Physics
Director; Distinguished Professor of Physics, School of Arts and Sciences
PhD (Bhavnagar University)
Research Interests: General Relativity and Cosmology
Professor; Dean, School of Arts and Sciences
PhD (University of California)
Research Interests: Cosmology And Particle Physics
PhD (University of Oklahoma)
Research Interests: Modular Forms, Automorphic Forms And Representations, Quantum Computing.
PhD (National University of Ireland)
Research Interests: Environmental Impact Of Aerosols - Tiny Solid Or Liquid Particles In The Atmosphere.
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