Assistant Professor
PhD (Madras Institute of Development Studies)
Research Interests: Anthropology of religion; sociology of caste; anthropology of ethics, historical anthropology; ethnography; Indian Ocean; Islam and South Asia.
PhD (Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru)
Research Interests: Modular and automorphic forms, Analytic number theory, Analytical aspects of modular forms and L-functions
Distinguished Professor of Humanities
PhD (University of Florida)
EdD (Teachers College, Columbia University)
Research Interests: Critical Childhood and Youth Studies, Gender, Citizenship, Ethnography
Professor of Practice and Chair, Communication Programme
BA (Honours) (Delhi University)
Research Interests: Foreign Policy, South Asian Affairs, Indian Ocean Affairs, Geo-economics, Internal Security, Intersection of Democracy and Development, Northeast India, Eastern South Asia, Intersection of Business and Human Rights
PhD (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
Research Interests: International Relations Theory, International Organisations, Historical Justice, Genocide and Genocide Denial
PhD (Emory University)
Research Interests: Indian Intellectual History of the late Second Millennium (Vaiṣṇava Vedānta, Puṣṭimārga), Religious Studies, Bhakti Studies, Tantra, and South Asian Art History
Research Interests: Stellar populations, extragalactic star formation, stellar evolution, galaxy evolution, big data analysis in astronomy
PhD (University of Chicago)
Research Interests: Anthropology of the State, Conservation and Development, Climate Change, Tourism, Indigeneity, Borders and Frontiers, Multispecies Ethnography, Environmental History.
PhD (University of Cape Town)
Research Interests: Interdisciplinary Artistic Research, Practice-as-research and Practice-based Research Methodology in Theatre and Performance, Archive Studies, Migration Studies, Embodiment Studies, Decolonial Studies, Affect Studies
MA (Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design)
Research Interests: Theatre as a Form of Knowledge Production, Theatre of Scenography, Post-Dramatic Theatre
PhD (Indiana University)
Research Interests: Performance Practice, Technologies, Pedagogies, Circulation And Heritage.
PhD (University of Texas at Austin)
Research Interests: Pre-Modern Indian History, Law and Religion, Hindu Legal Traditions and Sanskrit.
PhD (Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar)
Research Interests: Visual attention, Perception, Psychophysics, Perceptual Learning
Associate Professor
PhD (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore)
Research Interests: Ecology, Animal Behavior, Conservation Biology.
PhD (Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar)
Research Interests: Atomic molecular and plasma physics, Trap electron, positron and ion beam physics.
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
PhD (Louisiana State University)
Research Interests: Big data, distributed computing, high performance computing (HPC), computational genomics
PhD (Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune)
Research Interests: Issues at the interface of Fundamental Physics, Cosmology and Astrophysics
PhD (Indian Institute of Technology Madras)
Research Interests: Atomic Magnetometry, Quantum Sensing, Nonlinear-Optics
Visiting Professor
PhD (Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology)
Research Interests: Cognition, Emotion Regulation, Developmental Psychology, Psychotherapy, Mental Health
PhD (Yale University)
PhD (Leiden University)
Research Interests: Economy, Empire, Institutions, River, Indian Ocean, Environmental Changes
PhD (University of Missouri)
Research Interests: Bayesian Analysis, Network Analysis, High-Dimensional Data Analysis
Research Interests: Animal Behaviour, Collective Behaviour, Self Organisation, Ecology and Evolution, Population Dynamics, Mathematical Modelling, Theoretical Ecology
Distinguished Professor of Physics; Director, International Centre for Space and Cosmology
PhD (Bhavnagar University)
Research Interests: General Relativity and Cosmology
PhD (Integral University)
Research Interests: Nanobiotechnology, DNA Biochip, Environmental Biotechnology And Nanotoxicology.
Research Interests: History of Modern Philosophy (especially Kant), Hermeneutics and Phenomenology, Ethics
Research Interests: Urban Studies, Human And Gender Development, Poverty And Inequality And Climate Change.
Research Interests: Condensed Matter Theory- Magnetism, Superconductivity, Metal-insulator Transitions, Nonequilibrium Quantum Phenomena
PhD (Temple University)
Research Interests: Precarity and Belonging, Geographies of Political Violence, Spatiality of Religion, Production of Geographic Knowledge
PhD (University of Pennsylvania)
Research Interests: Liberalization and aspiration, mothering, youth, gender, migration, techno-science
PhD (Homi Bhabha National Institute, Harish Chandra Research Institute)
Research Interests: Additive Combinatorics, Algebraic Combinatorics, Extremal Combinatorics, Combinatorial Number Theory, Diophantine Equations
Associate Professor and Associate Dean, Arts
Research Interests: Urban transformations and the remaking of city spaces, Youth aspirations and Skill development discourses, Democracy and its vulnerabilities and the political thought of M. K. Gandhi
PhD (Delhi University)
Research Interests: Resilience, Child Protection, Psychosocial Interventions for Youth, Positive Youth Development
PhD (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)
Research Interests: Species Coexistence, Disease Ecology, Life-history Evolution
PhD (Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar)
Research Interests: Complex Systems and Biological Physics
Master of Fine Arts in Studio Arts/Painting (Indiana State University)
Research Interests: representational art, observational art, visual arts, painting, human condition, figurative art, human figure, realism
Associate Professor of Practice
PhD (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi)
Research Interests: Fiction, Urban Studies, Museum Studies, Urban Architecture, Representations of Self and Other, Postmodernism, Writing and Publishing
Research Interests: Cultural theory, gender studies, cultural history of Indian music, Inter-Asia studies, translation theory
PhD (University of Utah)
Research Interests: International Relations (IR), Government Secrecy, Comparative Politics (CP), Asian Politics (Myanmar and India), Ethnography, Political Psychology, Undergraduate Pedagogy
PhD (Indian Institute of Science & University of Maryland)
Research Interests: Topological T-duality, Mathematical Physics and String Theory, Pattern Formation and Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics, Mathematics Education, Mathematics Visualization, Numerical Physics and Visualization
PhD (University of Madras)
Research Interests: Leveraging technology for mental health in rural India, lay counselors for health, vulnerability and flourishing among adolescents and youth, social entrepreneurs/change makers among youth, music and the sense of surprise/wonder/awe/adbhuta, visualization and meditation, the phenomenology of being ‘present’/‘ here and now’, neuro-phenomenology of advanced meditation states.
PhD (University of Arkansas)
Research Interests: Plant Genetic Engineering, Genome Editing
PhD (The University of lowa)
Research Interests: Quantum Topology, Algebra, Algebraic Topology
Research Interests: Structural Biologist, Besides Basic Science, His Interest In Interdisciplinary Research Led To Fascinating Applications Across Disciplines, For Example The Use Of Bacteria And Yeast For The Printing And Fabrication Of Electronic Circuits, Micro Lenses For Oleds And Braille Printing On Ordinary Paper, And Designing / Re-Engineering Antibodies For Pharmaceutical Companies.
PhD (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
Research Interests: Cytoskeleton, Single-molecule Biophysics, FRET Biosensors, DNA Origami
PhD (Maharshi Dayanand University)
Research Interests: Species, Climate Warming, and Evolution
PhD (Imperial College London)
Research Interests: History of science and technology, history of engineers, business history, South Asian history
Professor & Dean
PhD (University of California)
Research Interests: Cosmology And Particle Physics
Distinguished University Professor
PhD (Johns Hopkins University)
Research Interests: Environmental History And Anthropology of India, With Particular Reference To Indigenous And Resource-Dependent Communities.
PhD (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Research Interests: Neuroscience, Brain And Behavior, Sensory Processing, Neural Engineering.
PhD (University of Delhi)
Research Interests: Life Sciences, Microbiology, Immunology and Parasite Biology.
PhD (IIT Gandhinagar)
Research Interests: Evolutionary Psychology, Philosophy of Psychology, Experimental Folk-psychology
Research Interests: History of Photography; South Asian Art and Visual Culture; Global Modernism; Contemporary Art; Intellectual History of Art; Art Historiography; Postcolonial Studies
PhD (University of Vienna, Austria)
Research Interests: Enumerative and Algebraic Combinatorics, q-Series and Integer Partitions, Elementary Number Theory, Theoretical Computer Science
Research Interests: History of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, including History of Virology, History of Biology, History of Virus Research, History of Immunology, History of Molecular Biology, History of Disease, and Historiography of Science, including Scientific Biography and Autobiography, Oral History
PhD (Columbia University)
Research Interests: Intellectual and Cultural History, Social History, Religion and Society, Modern South Asia, Translation Studies, Public Histories, Marathi Language
Assistant Professor of Practice
PhD (Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Research Interests: Clinical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy, Psychodiagnostics, Mindfulness and Presence-Based Approaches of Psychotherapy, Buddhist Psychology
PhD (University of Cambridge)
Research Interests: Indian Philosophy (darśanaśāstra), Sanskrit, Epics (Rāmāyaṇa & Mahābhārata)
Associate Professor & Assistant Dean
PhD (Jadavpur University)
Research Interests: Anti-Leishmanial Therapeutics, Molecular Parasitology, DNA Damage And Repair, Biochemistry
PhD (Tallinn University, Estonia)
Research Interests: Technology-Enhanced Learning and Teaching, (Multimodal) Learning Analytics, Artificial Intelligence in Education, Educational Technology
Research Interests: Early Modern History, Courtly Cultures, Performance Studies, Mercantile Networks, Indigenous Histories, Early Modern Literatures
PhD (Jamia Hamdard)
Research Interests: Nanobiotechnology (Forensic Nanotechnology, Forensic Biotechnology), Toxicology (Nanotoxicology), DNA Forensics, Food Forensics, Point Of Care/Detection Diagnostic Devices.
PhD (University of Oklahoma)
Research Interests: Modular Forms, Automorphic Forms And Representations, Quantum Computing.
PhD (Purdue University)
Research Interests: Organisational Behavior, Psychology, Public Policy, Research Methods.
Research Interests: Visual Attention, Emotion-induced Blindness, Self-bias, Working Memory
Research Interests: Vernacular Archives and Manuscripts, Medieval Indian Literature, Literary Historiography , Women’s history
Research Interests: Political Behaviour, Elections, Welfare Delivery, Political Economy, Applied Statistics
PhD (University of Mumbai)
Research Interests: Indian Music, Epistemology of Raga, Rasa theory, Epistemology of Rasa.
PhD (Academia Sinica)
Research Interests: Evolutionary Systems Biology, Genetics And Molecular Biology, Computational Biology, Comparative Genomics.
Associate Professor; Associate Dean of the Undergraduate College
PhD (Mumbai University)
Research Interests: Adult Stem Cells, miRNA Regulation Of Cell Differentiation, Cancer Biomarkers, Connecting Transcriptome To Cellular Phenotype.
PhD (University of Georgia)
Research Interests: Computational Biology, Statistical Genetics, and Computational Population Genetics
PhD (Uppsala University)
Research Interests: Signaling, Cancer And Epigenetics.
PhD (National University of Ireland)
Research Interests: Air quality, Air Pollution, Climate Change, Aerosol Instrumentation
PhD (Harvard University)
Research Interests: History of France and its Colonial Empire, Modern Europe, History of the Indian Ocean, Environmental, Military, and Business History
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Safwan Amir
Assistant Professor
PhD (Madras Institute of Development Studies)
Research Interests: Anthropology of religion; sociology of caste; anthropology of ethics, historical anthropology; ethnography; Indian Ocean; Islam and South Asia.
Mary Ann Chacko
Assistant Professor
EdD (Teachers College, Columbia University)
Research Interests: Critical Childhood and Youth Studies, Gender, Citizenship, Ethnography
Sudeep Chakravarti
Professor of Practice and Chair, Communication Programme
BA (Honours) (Delhi University)
Research Interests: Foreign Policy, South Asian Affairs, Indian Ocean Affairs, Geo-economics, Internal Security, Intersection of Democracy and Development, Northeast India, Eastern South Asia, Intersection of Business and Human Rights
Kasturi Chatterjee
Assistant Professor
PhD (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
Research Interests: International Relations Theory, International Organisations, Historical Justice, Genocide and Genocide Denial
Suchismita Das
Assistant Professor
PhD (University of Chicago)
Research Interests: Anthropology of the State, Conservation and Development, Climate Change, Tourism, Indigeneity, Borders and Frontiers, Multispecies Ethnography, Environmental History.
Aditi Deo
Assistant Professor
PhD (Indiana University)
Research Interests: Performance Practice, Technologies, Pedagogies, Circulation And Heritage.
Nithin George
Assistant Professor
PhD (Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar)
Research Interests: Visual attention, Perception, Psychophysics, Perceptual Learning
Aarzoo Gupta
Visiting Professor
PhD (Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology)
Research Interests: Cognition, Emotion Regulation, Developmental Psychology, Psychotherapy, Mental Health
Darshini Mahadevia
PhD (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
Research Interests: Urban Studies, Human And Gender Development, Poverty And Inequality And Climate Change.
Khusdeep Kaur Malhotra
Assistant Professor
PhD (Temple University)
Research Interests: Precarity and Belonging, Geographies of Political Violence, Spatiality of Religion, Production of Geographic Knowledge
Leya Mathew
Assistant Professor
PhD (University of Pennsylvania)
Research Interests: Liberalization and aspiration, mothering, youth, gender, migration, techno-science
Mona Mehta
Associate Professor and Associate Dean, Arts
PhD (University of Chicago)
Research Interests: Urban transformations and the remaking of city spaces, Youth aspirations and Skill development discourses, Democracy and its vulnerabilities and the political thought of M. K. Gandhi
Rachna Mishra
Assistant Professor
PhD (Delhi University)
Research Interests: Resilience, Child Protection, Psychosocial Interventions for Youth, Positive Youth Development
Keita Omi
Assistant Professor
PhD (University of Utah)
Research Interests: International Relations (IR), Government Secrecy, Comparative Politics (CP), Asian Politics (Myanmar and India), Ethnography, Political Psychology, Undergraduate Pedagogy
Shilpa Pandit
Associate Professor
PhD (University of Madras)
Research Interests: Leveraging technology for mental health in rural India, lay counselors for health, vulnerability and flourishing among adolescents and youth, social entrepreneurs/change makers among youth, music and the sense of surprise/wonder/awe/adbhuta, visualization and meditation, the phenomenology of being ‘present’/‘ here and now’, neuro-phenomenology of advanced meditation states.
Chakravarthi Rangarajan
Distinguished University Professor
PhD (University of Pennsylvania)
Maya Ratnam
Assistant Professor
PhD (Johns Hopkins University)
Research Interests: Environmental History And Anthropology of India, With Particular Reference To Indigenous And Resource-Dependent Communities.
Nagireddy Neelakanteswar Reddy
Assistant Professor
PhD (IIT Gandhinagar)
Research Interests: Evolutionary Psychology, Philosophy of Psychology, Experimental Folk-psychology
Rucha Sarwate
Assistant Professor of Practice
PhD (Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Research Interests: Clinical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy, Psychodiagnostics, Mindfulness and Presence-Based Approaches of Psychotherapy, Buddhist Psychology
Ramadhar Singh
Distinguished University Professor
PhD (Purdue University)
Research Interests: Organisational Behavior, Psychology, Public Policy, Research Methods.
Divita Singh
Assistant Professor
PhD (IIT Gandhinagar)
Research Interests: Visual Attention, Emotion-induced Blindness, Self-bias, Working Memory
Neelanjan Sircar
Associate Professor
PhD (Columbia University)
Research Interests: Political Behaviour, Elections, Welfare Delivery, Political Economy, Applied Statistics