Assistant Professor
PhD (Madras Institute of Development Studies)
Research Interests: Anthropology of religion, Sociology of caste, Anthropology of ethics, Historical Anthropology, Ethnography, Islam and South Asia.
EdD (Teachers College, Columbia University)
Research Interests: Critical Childhood and Youth Studies, Gender, Citizenship, Ethnography
PhD (University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee)
Research Interests: Heritage Discourses, Community Engagement, Participatory Processes, Heritage Education, Heritage Values and Authenticity, Ethnographic Approach in Heritage Research, Vernacular Architecture.
PhD (University of Chicago)
Research Interests: Anthropology of the State, Political Ecology, Multiculturalism, Anthropology of Development, Tourism Studies, Indigeneity, Borders and Frontiers, Multispecies Ethnography, Environmental History.
PhD (Indiana University)
Research Interests: Performance Practice, Technologies, Pedagogies, Circulation And Heritage.
PhD (Leiden University)
Research Interests: Economy, Empire, Institutions, River, Indian Ocean, Environmental Changes
PhD (University of Pennsylvania)
Research Interests: Liberalization and aspiration, mothering, youth, gender, migration, techno-science
Adjunct Fellow
Research Interests: Cultural theory, gender studies, cultural history of Indian music, Inter-Asia studies, translation theory
PhD (Academia Sinica)
Research Interests: Evolutionary Systems Biology, Genetics And Molecular Biology, Computational Biology, Comparative Genomics.
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