Professor Ashwin Pande is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics in the School of Arts and Sciences, Ahmedabad University. Apart from teaching, he conducts research in Mathematics and its applications in String Theory. He is also interested in Mathematics Education and Visualizing Mathematics on the computer,
He has worked on Pattern Formation in Nonequilibrium Systems, Numerical Physics and Scientific Data Visualisation.
Professor Pande has a Doctorate in Pure Mathematics from the Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland, College Park. For this thesis, he worked on Topological T-duality with Professor Jonathan Rosenberg at the Department of Mathematics, the University of Maryland at College Park. He also has an MA in Mathematics from the Department of Mathematics, the University of Maryland at College Park.
In addition, he has a Doctorate in Physics from the Physics Department, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. For his doctoral thesis, he studied some spatiotemporally chaotic states of some model Nonequilibrium Systems with Professor Rahul Pandit in the Theory Group (now the Centre for Condensed Matter Theory), Physics Department, IISc Bangalore. Dr Pande also has an MS degree in Physics from the Physics Department, IISc Bangalore.
Professor Pande was a Visiting Assistant Professor at the School of Mathematical Sciences, NISER, Bhubaneshwar between 2014-2016. He was granted a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Mathematics Department, HRI Allahabad from 2011-2014. He was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the String Theory Group, RSPHYSSE, ANU Canberra with Professor P. Bouwknegt from 2007-2009.
In addition to conducting research into subjects listed above, Dr Pande is interested in developing a broad agenda for teaching interdisciplinary courses which try to link mathematics and physics to various subjects: At Ahmedabad University he has designed and taught the full Calculus Sequence, and other courses in Elementary College Algebra, Applied Statistics, Business Calculus and Introductory Differential Geometry.