Professor Shomen Mukherjee has been working in the field of Ecology for over two decades, focusing on questions related to species interactions and mechanisms of coexistence. He has been using evolutionary game theory to understand predators’ and competitors’ direct and indirect effects in shaping ecological communities. He has also studied how predatory stress affects the reproductive life-history traits of prey animals.
More recently, he has been using a community ecology approach to understand the ecology of disease. In particular, his research focuses on understanding how changes in ecological community structure affect the population dynamics and behaviour of vectors and their competitors. He has also been trying to understand how mosquitoes and the perceived risk of a vector-borne disease affect human behaviour, particularly in the context of social equity.
Before joining Ahmedabad University, Shomen was part of the core faculty group that conceptualised, developed, and executed the BS and BS (Honours) Biology degree programme at Azim Premji University, Bengaluru.
Shomen holds an MS degree in Wildlife Biology from the Wildlife Institute of India, and a doctorate from Ben-Gurion University, Israel. He has extensive research experience from working in different countries across the globe. He has taught both elective and core courses in Biology programmes in South Africa and India.