

Finance has evolved over the years especially with the advent of technology. Financial technologies like block-chain and crypto-currencies and electronic payment systems are driving financial intermediation and financial markets. It is against this highly dynamic backdrop that we offer our major in Finance. In order to address new industry requirements, the curriculum provides a multidisciplinary training which interweaving the fundamentals of Finance with the other functional areas of Management. The major in Finance provides deep quantitative and managerial training in various domains of finance. The objectives of the major and learning outcomes are firmly anchored around six key components—money, financial institutions, financial instruments (including financial services), financial markets, central banks and governmental regulatory bodies.

On completion of this major, the student would have learnt

  • accounting techniques and their application for the purpose of management analysis, control and decision making
  • measurement, computation and analysis of financial activity, rooted in the fundamentals of financial mathematics and basic analytics through spreadsheets
  • basic principles and theoretical frameworks of various financial services like insurance, mutual funds, investments and banking etc.
  • the essential nature of fiduciary responsibility and the fundamental shift being witnessed in current times, and its long-term implications in terms of ethics and governance
  • the international financial environment and its implications for the Indian financial system in an increasingly globalised financial setting
  • the basic concepts of financing, investment and distribution decisions with their applications
  • to use analytic and quantitative techniques to understand data, make sound inferences, and make well-supported decisions
  • functioning of financial markets, with a special focus on capital and money markets and the role played by them in the fund-raising requirements of any economy
  • to apply best practices in financial management to make plans, organise projects, monitor outcomes and provide financial leadership
  • the basic principles and theoretical framework of various financial services like insurance, mutual funds, banking, etc.

Students completing the major find opportunities in banking, insurance, investments, risk management and behavioural finance at institutions globally as well as pursue graduate studies. Students can also pursue independent financial advisory careers as personal financial consultants. The programme content also supports the pursuit and acquisition of additional professional qualifications in the finance area, like CFA, CFP and FRM etc. 

Major Must Knows

Offered by Amrut Mody School of Management
Programme Bachelor of Science in Management (Honours)
Degree Bachelor of Science in Management (Honours)
Minimum Programme Credits 173
Minimum Major Credits 80
Finance is also offered as a MINOR

Curriculum Structure (Bachelor of Science in Management (Honours) Programme)