Why Are There No Customers In The Boardroom? Approach Towards A Customer-Centric Business Strategy
Despite the rhetoric on customer centricity, most companies do not bring the customer into their business strategy development process. The focus is inside-out: on the company's products, capabilities, competition, and tunnel-vision definition of the market. Supply side, rather than the demand side, is what often drives strategy - excessive talk of competitive advantage, market share, and gaining a larger slice of the pie, rather than growing the pie.
Companies will achieve their full potential only when they start looking outside-in; looking at customer need as the starting point; and designing products and services to cater to that need - rather than fighting competition to sell existing products to the narrowly defined target group. How can companies break out from the crowded competitive red ocean and explore possibilities in the blue ocean?
Our speakers, thought leaders on market strategy and consumer insight, will discuss what can be done to bring analyses and insights from the world of the customer into the business strategy development process.