The Amrut Mody School of Management offers an interdisciplinary, academically rigorous, and research-oriented Doctoral (PhD) programme in Management that prepares scholars for careers in academia and research divisions of industry. Requirements for the degree include extensive interdisciplinary coursework, demonstrable expertise in research areas, and successful thesis completion.
Some of the recent research projects of faculty and doctoral students have been in areas of environment, sustainability, and climate change; finance and econometrics modelling; behavioural decision making; integration of natural resources and cultural and traditional knowledge systems with heritage, digital communication, technology and marketing dynamics, organisational dynamics, and operations and supply chain management, amongst others. Faculty members are engaged in research supported by government agencies, industry, and Ahmedabad University grants. Interdisciplinary and collaborative research opportunities are available through the various centres of the School. The School also has a partnership with ISB Hyderabad, providing learning opportunities for our doctoral students.