The Undergraduate Programme at Ahmedabad University provides skills, promotes citizenship, builds courage, and inculcates responsibility. It is aimed at providing broad and deep education that will equip the student to navigate the world in which she lives and become an agent of change in the betterment of her own life and that of the society. The undergraduate education is premised on the fact that it is broad enough for the student to discover her passion in life and prepare her to pursue the passion and yet build deep expertise in her chosen field. It is the ambition of the University to facilitate crossover of disciplinary learning. A transdisciplinary problem definition and solving, critical thinking and analytical skills, intellectual and emotional depth, and an exposure to the world of disciplines from humanities to life sciences is the foundation of an Ahmedabad education. Undergraduate education, for many, is also a terminal degree hence, it must provide a pathway to livelihood.
Empathy for others who are less endowed and a sense of duty towards contributing to the society whether through their own discipline or their engagement with social organizations is an important ethos that must be reflected by the university environment. Universities are also safe places where students and faculty can use scholarship to address conflicting ideas and diverse opinions and beliefs. Respect for and protection of other’s ideas and beliefs and their right to express it even when they are different from ours should be a foremost object of the undergraduate experience.
The Undergraduate curriculum at Ahmedabad University provides immense flexibility to help students discover their own passion and their own areas of engagement. The programme will particularly help students develop capabilities to synthesize ideas and information while creating an ability to cogently develop an argument and express themselves, verbally and in writing.
Bachelor of Technology
BTech programme at Ahmedabad University prepares a ‘whole engineer.’ Our programme teaches a student to solve engineering problems by understanding their social, economic and business context and by building capabilities in methods and technologies that support innovation. The unique curriculum offers a wholesome education, providing in-depth focus through Majors in different branches of engineering, alongside a robust multidisciplinary foundation in engineering, the humanities and the social sciences.
The BxMx Programme (Dual Degree)
The BxMx Programme allows a student of Ahmedabad University to pursue a bachelor’s and a master’s programme in a five year period. Unlike the Five Year Integrated Master’s Programmes in one discipline at the University, The BxMx is a Dual Degree Programme that allows an undergraduate student to study a bachelor’s programme in one discipline while completing a master’s in another. This allows a Bachelor’s student from one programme and one School to seamlessly move into a Master’s programme in the same school or another school provided they get admitted to the programme and meet the prescribed requirements. A student can enter into a BxMx Programme at the time of joining the University or they can apply at the beginning of their third year at the University.