About Ahmedabad

Ahmedabad University was founded in 2009 by Ahmedabad Education Society (AES), a non-profit educational foundation located in Ahmedabad. Ahmedabad University is envisioned to become a global leader that provides liberal arts education within a research university. Interdisciplinary curriculum, experiential learning environment, and research define an Ahmedabad education. We are reimagining the classroom beyond the physical walls and focusing on the whole development of each student in an engaging and nurturing environment.

Being located in the centre of a vibrant and entrepreneurial city, our education is contextually rich and globally connected. Our world-class education attracts 3500 students from 22 states of India and seven countries.

Our Purpose

Ahmedabad University is dedicated to foster continuous progress of self and society. We are transforming higher education in India. Our graduates bear the capabilities, attitude and values to excel in whatever field they choose to pursue around the world.

Our mission

  • To prepare leaders of outstanding character who will contribute significantly to their fields of study and practice
  • To build an evolving learning environment that is based on cross-disciplinary linkages between the arts, sciences, and professional disciplines, combined with rigour and reflection
  • To actively advance research and intellectual enterprise at the University and in the society
  • To promote independent mindedness and diversity across all dimensions of the University
  • To generate knowledge that provides a context of learning from and contribution to India and the world
  • To actively advance the social, economic, and ecological development of local, national, and international communities
  • To educate young people of India and the world to become contextually-literate global citizens
  • To catalyse students to mature into critical thinkers who are analytically equipped, practically oriented, and ethically driven

We recognise that social challenges and job opportunities are occurring at the intersection of various axes of influence, defined by disciplines (data, materials, biology, and behaviour), nature (air, water, forests, and land), sectors of impact (health, transport, energy, and education) and society (individual and community). Accordingly, Ahmedabad University strives to guide students on how to learn through interdisciplinary academics and real-life experiences that traverse these intersections. Research programmes at the University also embody this integrative philosophy.

Interdisciplinary Learning

Interdisciplinary Learning

Diverse knowledge systems are required to solve complex real-world challenges as well as difficult theoretical questions. We expose our students to various disciplines and help them learn how to integrate these diverse concepts and ideas to find innovative solutions.

Practice Orientation

Practice Orientation

An ability to translate ideas and apply concepts and theories is a hallmark of a 21st century education. Our emphasis on project-based learning or learning by doing integrates our strong theoretical orientation with practice.



As a research university, our emphasis is on advancing knowledge and translating it to benefits for the larger society. Faculty and student research leads our search for an explanation and solution to issues of concern. Our students learn an ability to ask the right questions as part of training on research thinking.

Founders & History

Ahmedabad University was founded by Ahmedabad Education Society (AES). AES is a non-profit educational foundation located in Ahmedabad. More than 80 years old, AES was established at the behest of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the first Home Minister of India, by illustrious leaders such as Kasturbhai Lalbhai, the doyen of the Indian textile industry; Ganesh Mavalankar, the first Speaker of the Indian Parliament; and Amrutlal Hargovandas, one of the prominent industrialists of Ahmedabad. AES envisioned that the university would serve to advance education in the state of Gujarat, throughout India and the world. AES and its leaders have played significant roles in the founding of national institutions such as Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, National Institute of Design, Physical Research Laboratory, and Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology (CEPT). The Foundation is also responsible for supporting reputed institutions such as MG College of Science, LD College of Arts, HL College of Commerce, LM College of Pharmacy, AG Teachers College and LD Institute of Indology, amongst others.

When the history of educational enabling is written in India, AES will be at the top for its amazing perspective and record of developing best-in-class institutions independently and with the government where land, funding and often management was provided by the leaders of AES.

The People




Partners: Past and Present

Harvey Mudd
Imperial College London
UC Riverside
UC San Diego
Judge Cambridge
Wright State
University of Vaasa
University of Bristish Columbia
ECAM LaSalle
University of Santo Tomas
University of Auckland
EPIC Chicago

Ahmedabad Logo

Ahmedabad University defines its philosophical roots in a universal enquiry that empowers open and unbounded thought leading humanity to prosperity. The University is informed and guided by deep scholarship and multiple perspectives that enhance our vision. The logo embodies this philosophy using a contemporary mnemonic representing the rich heritage of the city of Ahmedabad as its inspiration. The mnemonic is a stylised representation of an integral icon of the city - the stepwell, in the form of a minimalistic yet powerful graphic illustration. At the core of the structure is the self, which must grow with the aim of transforming society for better, thus evolving itself. Historically, a stepwell was constructed to sit deep in the earth which speaks of the University’s focus on the enquiry for deep understanding. The channels and doors represent the openness ingrained in the holistic philosophy of education that Ahmedabad University embodies. From encouraging the spirit of disciplinary research to facilitating intersections that enable progress and prosperity.

Regulatory and Institutional Compliance

Support Ahmedabad University

Ahmedabad University is an unprecedented effort to build a timeless legacy that will bring character and pride to the State of Gujarat and India. Philanthropists have an opportunity to support this venture by making a lasting contribution and investment in today’s youth and the future they will help create as tomorrow’s leaders. Come and join us in shaping the University to serve the new generation of learners, who seek to change the nation and the world through contemplation, knowledge, understanding, and innovation.

Your support of the education of a student or a professor and their research will change the world we live in. Your support of our project-based learning pedagogy will ensure that the University delivers cutting edge learning where students learn by doing. Your support of our mission will secure students who will come in the future to an engaging environment to learn and solve world’s problems.

We look forward to your support in this venture. Reach out to [email protected]  in the Vice Chancellor’s Office to discuss areas of your interest.

Visitor Information


University Office
Ahmedabad University
Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380009
Gujarat, India.
Contact Information:

[email protected]
Office Hours:

Monday to Friday
9:00 am to 6:00 pm IST