The Ahmedabad Innovation Network is the research and translational ecosystem that understands needs in the society, develops ideas to address those needs, translates those ideas into effective products and/or services, generates intellectual property, develops enterprises around them, and finally supports them to succeed commercially or finds mass application through governmental/social programmes. The objective is also to engage young students and academics, early in their career, at the University with ideas of innovation and entrepreneurship.
Programmatically, courses around challenges of the society offer opportunities to students to build strong theoretical grounding and apply them to find solutions to these challenges. The Laboratory on Innovation and Society or LISE aims to bring business, design, and technology together to solve problems that society faces. The premise on which LISE would operate is that knowledge cannot be compartmentalized and creative attitude is instrumental in integrating the knowledge for innovation to fulfil the needs of individuals & the society. Research Laboratories at the University, on the one hand, and VentureStudio on the other hand form the essential ecosystem for innovation at the University. This ecosystem includes the following: