Ahmedabad University has built an innovative academic ecosystem, redefining the ways of learning through research-driven thinking, hands-on experiences, and interdisciplinary exploration. The University has reimagined the classroom experience to equip students to tackle complex global challenges that lie at the intersection of diverse disciplines – a foundation that not only shapes the future of education but also drives societal progress.
The University has rapidly emerged as a high-quality multidisciplinary institution, renowned for its transformative impact on the lives of young people evidenced in the outstanding outcomes achieved by the graduating class of 2024.
The 14th Annual Convocation celebrated the remarkable achievements of its students, showcasing their groundbreaking research and real-world impact. These achievements include developing strategies for decarbonisation using material efficiency and circular economy principles; analysing canal irrigation systems to propose equitable solutions for water distribution among farmers; and innovating nanoparticle-based immunoliposome delivery systems for targeted chemotherapy and microRNA therapy to treat breast cancer, to name a few.
In addition to their research accomplishments, the class of 2024 demonstrated the benefits of a liberal education, securing admissions to prestigious global institutions, obtaining roles with progressive Indian companies, and venturing into the dynamic world of startups.
The 14th Annual Convocation, held on December 10, 2024, marked the success of 830 such students embarking on their next journeys after earning their degrees. Among them were 494 students from the Amrut Mody School of Management, 162 from the School of Arts and Sciences, and 174 from the School of Engineering and Applied Science. The University also conferred doctoral degrees to seven graduates for their groundbreaking contributions to research. Additionally, the top students of the Class of 2024 were honoured with gold medals for their exceptional performance.
Vinita Bali, former Managing Director of Britannia Industries and a globally acclaimed leader in business and sustainability, delivered the convocation address that embodied Ahmedabad University's commitment to inspiring students to apply their learning in service to the community. Drawing from her extensive experience across sectors and geographies, Ms Bali emphasised the need to make the right choice. "In your everyday life, you will face choices and dilemmas, both big and small. Maintain your integrity, sense of ethics, and values, and strive to do what is right—not just for ourselves but also for our planet and community. The planet is crying out to people like us for help because when all the trees are cut, the waters are polluted, the animals are gone, and the air is no longer fit to breathe, we will realise that we cannot eat money."
Emphasising the responsibility of industrialists, she added, "Today in the corporate world, we talk about concepts like CSR and ESG. But past industrialists had already embraced these values long before such terms existed. For instance, Ahmedabad University is the vision of an industrialist—your Chancellor's grandfather, Kasturbhai Lalbhai. Similarly, consider what Jamshedji Tata did in Jamshedpur long before CSR and ESG were coined. He believed that in business, the community is not just another stakeholder; it is the very purpose of our existence. This is the responsibility that those people have bestowed on us. And this is our responsibility."
Presiding over the ceremony, Chancellor Sanjay Lalbhai reflected on the vision of Ahmedabad University: to build an institution that positions India once again as a leading light in the creation and dissemination of knowledge. He remarked, "We recall the time when ancient universities like Nalanda and Takshashila were the foremost institutions of research and learning, recognised worldwide. We aspire for Ahmedabad University to shine just as brightly and add many more disciplines to make it a holistic and be acclaimed as an excellent centre of learning with many more disciplines to make it a holistic and complete centre of education. Graduating students, your continued support for the University will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of Ahmedabad University."
Vice Chancellor and Chairman of the Board of Management, Professor Pankaj Chandra, in his address, inspired graduates to use their education to make meaningful contributions to society with five key messages. "To the graduating class – as you step out of the University today, let me say five things: One: Question everything around you and make your education count. Two: Be grateful. Three: Don't stop learning today. Continue to invest in your learning and your experiences. It will be the new learning that will keep you moving forward purposefully. Four: Fulfil the public good promise of education – to become a better citizen with a strong civic sense and a caring eye. And, Five, always remember that your journey going forward is going to be unique to you. Each of your paths will unfold differently and at different times from others, so flourish within your uniqueness in this world,” said Professor Chandra.
The valedictorian, Aditya Gupta (BBA Hons, Class of 2024), reflected on the unique journey of the Class of 2024, which began in the midst of the pandemic. As the first cohort to transition from online classrooms to exploring the University’s vibrant campus, Aditya recounted how the challenges of the pandemic brought his peers closer, creating cherished memories in every corner of the campus. Highlighting how Ahmedabad University became more than just a learning platform – a community of people who made difficult times easier – he concluded with an empowering message: “We have the power to lead, to inspire, and to make a difference.”
The 14th Annual Convocation was attended by the University’s Governing Body and Board of Management members, faculty, alumni, students, staff, and all the proud families, friends, and loved ones of the graduates who have helped their graduates succeed.
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Mahula Santra’s Research on CO2 Cycloaddition for Sustainable Chemistry
Deepak Hiremath's Research on Canal Irrigation System
Hitarth Ghodasara, Gold medalist, BBA (Hons), Class of 2024
Nandish Patel, Gold medalist, BA (Hons), Class of 2024
Drashti Chopra, Gold Medallist, Integrated MBA, Class of 2024
Shreya Karia, Gold Medallist, Bachelor of Technology, Class of 2024
Shalini Radhakrishnan, Gold Medallist, Master of Business Administration, Class of 2024