A one-of-a-kind Bookstore now open at Ahmedabad University
10 May 2018
A one-of-a-kind Bookstore now open at Ahmedabad University (India Education Diary)
In this age, when online e-commerce is threatening the existence of bookstores, Ahmedabad University is launching a major initiative to build a University Bookstore. There is a large population of people in the society who are unable to discover authentic material that is researched well, that is factual, and that help builds advanced knowledge on issues and ideas – more than what newspaper articles or popular writings provide. The Ahmedabad University Bookstore is an attempt to fill this gap.
The Ahmedabad University Bookstore is designed as space where thoughtful citizens and visitors of the city gets to engage with the university and its intellectual culture. The Bookstore is purported to provide a backdrop against which the society at large gets to discuss, debate and exchange thoughts, ideas and literary discourses with utmost freedom laden with sensitivity. It is at once conceived to be a stage (for book launches, workshops, and intimate conclaves) as well as a lounge (for quiet and reflective reading and writing).