Understanding Built Heritage in Context of Communities and Culture
We cordially invite you to join the webinar on 'Understanding Built Heritage in the Context of Communities and Culture' as part of the series 'IMPACT OF PANDEMIC ON THE HERITAGE SECTOR'
organised by Ahmedabad University, Centre for Heritage Management on 28 June 2020. 17:00 – 18:30 Hours.
Professor Kiran Joshi, Immediate Past President, ICOMOS India
Ar. Jayatissa Herath, Immediate Past President, ICOMOS Sri Lanka
Professor Vasillis Ganiatsas, HOD, Dept of Architectural Design, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Dr Neel Kamal Chapagain, Director & Associate Professor, Centre For Heritage Management, Ahmedabad University
Moderated by:
Ms Chirashree Thakkar, Alumna – Centre For Heritage Management, Ahmedabad University, and Co-Founder, Thakkar Associates
Mr Piyush Pandya, Centre For Heritage Management, Ahmedabad University
Webinar details: Heritage has always been a reference book to understand various aspects of our society. In the current crisis due to COVID19, heritage could be a source for resilience during the ongoing containment, particularly the realization that the life beyond work environment is equally important and we cannot take it for granted. The frugality combined with the purpose of the buildings of the earlier times is something that needs to be looked at deeply. The consideration for the interface between the inside and the outside of a building, the security and safety from hygiene and the multi-functionality of spaces were mandatory and assumed to be normal. The processes, the logical thinking that went into the design and execution of the structures, the vernacular which showed concerns for the environment, the consideration for the future and inclusive approach towards design cannot be ignored. The challenge is to explore these features critically, interpret them for present and future use, and thus, integrate them with contemporary needs and everyday life. The discussion will focus on the shift required in our approach towards a deeper understanding of our built heritage, and integrated and contemporary management of built and urban heritage – both through academic discourses and multi-disciplinary practices like design and heritage management.
Register: https://forms.gle/PwEEdD6CrumBEArn6