Digital Intimacy: Friends, Lovers and Families in Contemporary Asia
Digital Intimacy: Friends, Lovers and Families in Contemporary Asia
How do young women understand and experience intimacy in the age of social media? What impact do these digital experiences and understanding of intimacy have on how millennial subjects experience, understand, and negotiate social relations in globalising Asia?
My talk draws on an ongoing multi-sited research project which looks at college-going women in Bangalore, Singapore, Hong Kong and Guangzhou to understand how their lives in these aspiring “smart” cities are being shaped by the phenomenal growth of digital technology use in Asia in the past ten years. Our findings thus far suggest that social institutions such as family and marriage are being redefined through digital mediation. This talk will focus on a few aspects of such digital mediation: boundary-drawing, creating zones of intimacy, and the reconfiguration of relationships in the digital domain.
Speaker: Professor Tejaswini Niranjana Date: Wednesday, December 7, 2022 Time: 4:00 PM