Undergraduate Majors

Ahmedabad University doesn’t have departments within its Schools and Centres, instead we have different programmes offering a whole host of Majors for the students to choose from. A Major is an area of specialisation within a degree programme (for example, History or Chemical and Environmental Engineering or Economics or Accounting). The student chooses a Major at the time of entering the University but has the flexibility to change the Major as per the prescribed policy. We also allow our students to come into the University with an undeclared Major. Each Major requires 60 or more credits and the total requirements for the degree will 120 credits or higher depending upon the number of credits a particular Major requires. Usually, a Major has the following structure – a School Core, a Discipline Core, Discipline Electives, School Electives and Internships. Being an Honours degree a Thesis or Capstone project with a writing component is also there for Arts, Sciences, Management and Commerce programmes. For Engineering students, it is a project. 

The Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of Science (BS) Honours programmes and the Majors in the liberal Arts and Sciences that constitute them are an entry point for careers in broad and diverse areas. They are 21st-century programmes: rigorous, contemporary and contextual. They are interdisciplinary, and encourage experiential ‘self-learning’ in order to establish how best to ask the right questions and conduct research, and what methodology to use in a particular circumstance. In line with the other programmes at Ahmedabad University, this represents a rethinking of higher education and what it can achieve. As the world changes and artificial intelligence and big data make complex moral and political demands on our understanding; as digital technology remakes music and the possibilities of art; as questions about the future of the global environment spring up at the interstices of applied science, social sciences and philosophy, these programmes will seek to act as a bridge not only between the liberal arts and sciences, but between academic and public intellectual life.

  • Computer Science

    Traditionally, Computer Science involved the study of computers and computational systems and dealt mostly with software and software systems, including their theory, design, development and application. However, over the years as the field of Computer Science matured and expanded, it has helped to solve hard problems in many areas including mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, linguistics, economics, business, and the arts. Therefore, the problems that computer scientists encounter range from the abstract–determining what problems can be solved with computers and the complexity of the algorithms that solve them–to the tangible–designing applications that perform well on handheld devices, that are easy to use, and that uphold security measures. The major in Computer Science offers both breadth and depth of knowledge in computing. Students undergo rigorous coursework coupled with exposure to a rich set of applications and tools through project-based courses, course projects, and the Undergraduate Capstone project and Summer Internships. The core courses under this Major provide a solid foundation to students in the field of Computer Science. In addition to core courses, students may pursue electives in one or more specialisation areas to gain a deeper understanding of these areas. The specialisation areas that we  plan to offer are: artificial intelligence and machine learning, bio-computing, data science and its applications, quantum computing, systems and theoretical computer science. The major in Computer Science seeks to provide students: A solid foundation in theory, systems and applicative areas of computer science The ability to pursue opportunities in traditional and emerging areas of computing, both, in industry and in academia The ability to utilise their knowledge of computing principles, hands-on computing and problem-solving skills, and broad-based education involving humanities, social science and other physical and biological sciences to solve complex problems that cut across disciplines and have relevance to society The ability to drive innovation through their willingness to learn, adapt and work collaboratively with diverse teams and apply their problem-solving and technological expertise to drive advancement in emerging areas On completing this major, the student will be able to: Gain a firm understanding of the basic principles of computer science from the perspective of theory, systems and applications Think critically, analyse and solve complex multi-disciplinary problems by acquiring knowledge of relevant domains and applying knowledge of computing principles, computing and problem-solving skills Work collaboratively on complex multi-disciplinary problems as computer science specialists Practise and grow in the computing industry as computing professionals Conduct research and assist researchers with design, development and support of applications that involve knowledge of cutting-edge computer science tools and development frameworks as well as good analytical skills Communicate effectively Make informed decisions by weighing the ethical and social aspects of modern computing technology in the design, development and delivery of computing services To learn more about the Computer Science programme at Ahmedabad University you may send an email to [email protected].read more >>

    Offered at: School of Arts and Sciences

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  • Economics

    The distinguishing feature of the major in Economics at Ahmedabad University is its emphasis on rigour and creativity. Students will be taught to analyse and think independently about issues using an economics theoretical framework and data-based evidence. The programme focuses on the development of a strong foundation in Mathematics to allow students to better grasp modern economic theory. They will develop skills necessary to analyse economic and financial issues using mathematical models. Students will also develop a proficiency in statistics, empirical methods and statistical software packages.  The final year undergraduate thesis requirement will train students to think creatively about a topic of their own interest and to conduct systematic scientific research on it. The thesis and the years preceding it will provide ample opportunity to develop strong writing, communication and presentation skills.  The Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Major in Economics will introduce students to microeconomics, macroeconomics, statistics, econometrics, history of economic thought and a study of the Indian economy. In addition, students may choose from a wide range of electives and learn more about specific areas of Economics such as development, environment, finance and labour economics. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the undergraduate programme at Ahmedabad University, students will also take classes in other subject areas and thus have an opportunity to learn alternative theories and pedagogies. The programme will provide an early opportunity for students to learn to collaborate with peers. This is because during the Foundation Programme, and subsequently throughout the curriculum, there will be a strong emphasis on project-based learning. On completion of the major, the student will be able to: Develop an awareness of important economic and policy issues nationally and globally. Analyse and think independently about issues using theoretical frameworks from the discipline of economics. Critically evaluate empirical research because of a proficiency in statistics, and empirical research methods.   Learn to manage and analyse data using statistical software. Communicate economic ideas and arguments effectively using data based evidence.  Think creatively and learn the process of systematic scientific research to evaluate economic and policy related topics. The degree will prepare students to study further or seek employment directly. One can pursue Graduate studies in economics or related disciplines such as Business, Law, Political Science, Public Administration and Public Policy. Employment opportunities, upon completing the major in Economics, include working in business, civil services, corporate sector, government, investment banks, journalism, media, technology firms, non-governmental organisations, think tanks and research institutions. Students will be encouraged and supported to pursue internships during the summer months. To learn more about the Economics programme at Ahmedabad University you may send an email to [email protected].read more >>

    Offered at: Amrut Mody School of Management, School of Arts and Sciences

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  • History

    History is more than a list of dates and events. The major in History at Ahmedabad University will help students cultivate the habit of thinking historically, inviting them to participate actively in the rigours, pleasures and adventures of historical inquiry. In other words, students are enabled to make sense of the times they live in using history.  Students will not only be introduced to key historical concepts but will also gain valuable methodological and analytical skills. They will build a set of fluencies in spoken and written communication, critical thinking and evidence-based reasoning. Crucially, they will learn how to deal with complexity in human affairs. The History curriculum, coupled with the overall programme structure at Ahmedabad University, will equip graduates not only with qualitative analytical skills but also a fair grounding in quantitative ways of thinking historically, which distinguishes our History Major from other reputed national and international programmes.  As with all programmes at Ahmedabad University, the major in History is characterised by a strong focus on interdisciplinarity. Core courses focusing on the fundamentals of History are offered alongside a wide range of electives, encouraging students to determine the foci of their study culminating in a research project. Students also have the option of learning classical and modern languages of their choice either based on their area of historical enquiry or to widen their career options in different sectors. The pedagogy integrates the best of traditional methods with the possibilities offered by new classroom technologies and innovative exercises in project-based learning. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the undergraduate programme at Ahmedabad University, students will also take classes in other subject areas and thus have an opportunity to learn alternative theories and pedagogies. The programme will provide an early opportunity for students to learn to collaborate with peers. This is because during the Foundation Programme, and subsequently throughout the curriculum, there will be a strong emphasis on project-based learning. The major in History is designed to equip students with a basic understanding of historical concepts and processes that have shaped the contemporary world.  Domain Knowledge and Application On completion of the major, the student will be able to: Form an overview of key historical developments in India and the world across a range of temporal and geographical contexts. Compare and contrast processes in different regions and periods, assess the applicability of established interpretive/explanatory frameworks and theories in the discipline, identify interconnections, intersections and broad thematic patterns linking historical processes. Determine what historical “facts” are, identify and gather suitable evidence for historical analysis, understand how facts are constituted by power relations. “Think historically” by seeing society as formed by multi-causal, long-ranging developments as well as specific conjunctures of economic, environmental, social, cultural and political change; conceptualize possible trajectories of historical development in the present and the future based on understanding the past. Engagement with Society On completion of the major, the student will be able to: Connect their personal/ family/local histories with broader historical processes.  Add dimensions to their understanding of contemporary events (in diverse domains of life) by examining them in historical context.  Personal Skills On completion of the major, the student will be able to: Engage in academic reasoning and argumentation (differentiating between information and argument, identifying the structure of an argument, writing an argument in proper format, evaluating arguments). Employ methods of historical analysis (archival study, reading primary sources and secondary scholarship, conducting interviews, gathering, classifying and assessing quantitative and qualitative evidence). Produce academic writing for short research projects as well as longer independent theses. We prepare our students, depending on their individual interests, for diverse career paths both within and outside academia. Students graduating in History at Ahmedabad University will gain competencies suitable for pursuing careers in teaching, research, museums, archives, libraries, law, the civil services, journalism, the publishing industry, advertising, the NGO sector, business and entrepreneurship, among other fields. To learn more about the History programme at Ahmedabad University you may send an email to [email protected].read more >>

    Offered at: School of Arts and Sciences

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  • Integrated Arts (Performing Arts/ Visual Arts)

    The Integrated Arts (Performing Arts/ Visual Arts) Major is a unique, multidisciplinary, practice-driven programme dedicated to educating a new generation of arts practitioners, art curators, managers, academics, and policymakers. The Major provides inputs for the intellectual preparation of the artist within the traditions of liberal arts while creating the opportunity to build deep capabilities within a chosen art form. The Major exposes students to different art forms that influence the art practice chosen by the student for specialisation. Additionally, it allows for an understanding of how the arts engage with and offer solutions to grand challenges faced by society (such as climate change, health, and social inequality). The programme is targeted towards five potential Career Pathways. These are directed towards enabling employment or entrepreneurship opportunities in Professional Art Practice The Media and Entertainment sector Museums/Art Galleries Arts Management Academia (teaching and research in arts).  The Major aims to provide comprehensive exposure to The social and historical conditions and theoretical frameworks by which art practice is understood; Hands-on practice by which a range of creative work can be produced, curated, exhibited, managed, conserved, interpreted, documented and archived; Various art forms and how they can come together in any creative endeavour; Challenges and opportunities in the growing creative economy/creative industry sectors; Methods of conducting academic research, undertaking curation, doing content writing, and preparing grant proposals in the area of Integrated Arts; Cultural policy and laws concerning cultural production in India and globally, as well as cutting-edge industry practices in the creative economy. On completing the programme, graduates will be able to: Produce creative work that demonstrates innovative ability in performing, making and exhibiting; Curate, manage, conserve, interpret, document and archive art practices; Relate their practice to the Creative Economy/Creative Industries sectors; Apply an integrated understanding of the arts in the fields of academic research, curation, and media and communication; Evaluate interventions that impact artistic and cultural production in India, such as research projects, policy documents, and legal frameworks. Eligibility A demonstrated interest in Performing and Visual Arts (practice-based and/or historically and theoretically oriented) Being a practitioner in any art form is a bonus but not a prerequisite Admission procedure University-wide application form Personal interaction Review of portfolio/sample of work The portfolio/sample of work must include at least ONE of the following: 5 artworks (or photographs of the same) that demonstrate any proficiency the student might have in the visual arts (or photographs of artworks such as installations or sculptures) Video recording under five minutes of any kind of performance (mp4 format) Documentation of previous theatrical works 2 Samples of writing about art (minimum 300 words), such as a reflection on a painting or paintings, sculpture or sculptures, other artwork, review of a musical performance, play, film, etc To learn more about the Integrated Arts programme at Ahmedabad University you may send an email to [email protected].read more >>

    Offered at: School of Arts and Sciences

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  • Life Sciences

    The major in Life Sciences is offered as part of a five year Integrated Master of Science in Life Sciences programme. It is a distinctive programme which introduces students to modern concepts in biology ranging from molecules to ecosystems. The major  introduces students to the basic areas of biology as cell biology, microbiology, biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology and later in certain specialised branches of biology such as cancer biology, nanotechnology, research methodology, recombinant DNA technology and bioinformatics. The laboratory courses will introduce students to research methods in biology and the 18 months long Masters thesis will help them to continue their research in an area of their interest. Students wanting to pursue their career in industry can substitute their credits with an extended industry internship or an industry project. Through the interdisciplinary approach, they will be able to think even outside biology and try to solve a problem from different angles and to become well-rounded scientists.  The major aims to generate curiosity about learning and scientific reasoning through laboratory work where the student will get hands-on experience to accompany the knowledge they gain from the lectures in class.  The objectives of the major are as follows: To introduce students to the basic areas of biology like biochemistry, cell biology, microbiology and molecular biology first and then let them choose their area of specialisation based on their interest.  Help students to develop skills of reasoning and critically analysing their ideas. Lecture-based courses will enable them to think about a problem and apply knowledge gained in the class to find solutions to a problem. Through laboratory courses, they will be trained in designing experiments to verify their theoretical solution, planning and executing experiments and finally analysis of the results accurately to solve a problem.  Develop an aptitude for research through the 18 months long Masters thesis and the research projects and provide flexibility to go for an industry internship or an industry project for those who wants to pursue their career in an industry.  Introduce students to ethics in life science which is important for them to learn early in the course. Provide excellent training to students to undertake diverse and challenging career opportunities in academia, industries, NGOs and entrepreneurship. On completing the Integrated Master of Science in Life Sciences programme, students will be able to: Apply their thorough knowledge gained in the class for critical thinking Apply knowledge to analyse a problem Design experiments to answer a query Apply ethical training where appropriate Collect and analyse data as accurately as possible Write about their scientific work and communicate it to a layperson An interdisciplinary approach will provide them the platform to apply knowledge gained in other areas in finding a solution to a problem The Integrated Master of science in Life sciences will provide an excellent training to pursue a career in research both in academia and industries. Students not interested in research will be guided for other career opportunities like entrepreneurship, NGOs, scientific writing and also in software programming or analytics. To learn more about the Lifesciences programme at Ahmedabad University you may send an email to [email protected].read more >>

    Offered at: School of Arts and Sciences

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  • Mathematical and Computational Sciences

    The Mathematical and Computational Sciences Major offers students a rigorous foundation in the fundamentals of Mathematics and Computational Sciences, including Data Sciences. It also prepares them to solve complex interdisciplinary problems by applying mathematical and computational tools. The Major offers a unique blend of courses in theory and modern applications of Mathematics and Computational Sciences. The objective is to create graduates with a deep understanding of the fundamental principles of mathematics who can apply strong computational techniques to model and solve problems in Physics, Economics, Finance, Engineering, and other domains. Highlights of the Mathematical and Computational Sciences Major: Rigorous Foundation: The Major provides a rigorous foundation in Mathematics and Computational Sciences through carefully designed courses. Flexibility: The Major offers students a wide range of elective courses from the following areas: Pure Mathematics Data Sciences and Machine Learning Mathematical Biology Mathematics in Engineering Quantum Computing Mathematical Economics Mathematical Finance Interdisciplinary Problem Solving: Most real-life problems are complex and often require an interdisciplinary approach. The Major offers students electives from exciting interdisciplinary fields such as Bio-Computing, Data Sciences, Quantum Computing, and more. Undergraduate Research: The faculty at the Mathematical and Physical Sciences division are actively engaged in research, providing students with opportunities to work on research projects under their direct supervision. Employable Skills: The Major is designed to teach students valuable and functional employability skills needed for a career in industry and academia. The critical thinking and problem-solving skills and the breadth in curricula offered at Ahmedabad University will impart a rigorous and broad-based education in mathematics and computational sciences helpful in many practical professions. Learning Objectives The Mathematical and Computational Sciences Major seeks to provide students with the following: A rigorous foundation in fundamentals of Mathematics and Computational Sciences Skills to pursue rewarding careers in Mathematics, Computing, and Data Sciences in industry, and higher studies The ability to solve complex real-world problems by applying problem-solving skills and the knowledge gained from a broad education in Mathematics, Computing, Data Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences, and other Physical and Biological Sciences The ability to engage in research in Mathematics and Computer Science-related fields Critical thinking and logical reasoning skills needed to understand abstract mathematical concepts and proofs The ability to effectively communicate mathematical ideas and concepts Learning Outcomes Successful completion of the Bachelor of Science (Honours) Programme with a Mathematical and Computational Sciences Major will enable the student to: Demonstrate a firm understanding of the basic principles of Mathematics and Computational Sciences Understand mathematical arguments and proofs Write and communicate mathematical proofs Analyse and interpret real-world data in a given context using statistical tools Identify and use relevant programming languages and computational tools to solve real-world problems Create mathematical models and explain a wide range of real-world phenomenon Apply the knowledge of Mathematics, Statistics, Data Sciences, and Computational tools to solve complex multi-disciplinary problems To learn more about the Mathematical and Computational Sciences (MCS) programme at Ahmedabad University you may send an email to [email protected].read more >>

    Offered at: School of Arts and Sciences

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  • Philosophy, History and Languages

    The major in Philosophy, History and Languages (PHL) brings together a vibrant community of students and faculty who share a concern with questions that are cross-disciplinary. Acquainting students with major intellectual trends in the Humanities, the major in Philosophy, History and Languages is problem-based or theme-based and draws upon diverse theoretical approaches. The major emphasises precision of scholarship and encourages students to chart new critical approaches to areas of study that span Philosophy, History and Languages. Depending on the theme chosen, students have the option to enroll in a range of courses, such as ethics, intellectual history, postcolonial studies, literary studies, humanistic study of ecology, ethnomusicology and political philosophy. A central component of the major is the study of languages relevant to a student’s chosen theme or problem. We hope that over time Philosophy, History and Languages will encompass the study of both classical and contemporary South Asian and European languages. These languages include Gujarati, Hindi, Urdu, Persian, Sanskrit, Dutch, French, Japanese, and German. Students in Philosophy, History and Languages tailor their language study according to their intellectual interests and acquire advanced competency in their language of study. The Philosophy, History and Languages programme will be developing high-quality study and research of these languages in the School of Arts and Sciences. This will be accomplished by linking these languages to faculty research and teaching so that students are able to study languages from beginning to advanced levels and in a variety of genres. The major in Philosophy, History and Languages is a customised programme in the Humanities and allows students to explore themes across disciplines. It  has two major goals: (1) to open up a space for students who want to study the Humanities but are undecided between Philosophy, History and Languages/literatures; and (2) to create a space for students to work on a theme that lies at the interface of two or more disciplines in the Humanities, and therefore cannot be accommodated squarely within any of the traditional Humanities disciplines. Given its goals, Philosophy, History and Languages is a unique attempt to reorient and restructure the domain of the Humanities in the context of higher education in India. Students of the Philosophy, History and Languages Major will acquire the skills required to succeed in professions such as law, media, politics, the development sector, government service, the civil services, publicity and marketing, journalism, translation, research, and further studies in higher education. The skills they will develop include: Identify the structure of arguments, whether in the disciplines of history or philosophy, and apply it in a variety of contexts  Paraphrase, summarise, compare and contrast various interpretations, theories and methodologies in the disciplines of philosophy and history [100, 200 levels] Acquire reading, writing and speaking skills in a new language and use it in various contexts, including translation, commensurate at least with CEFR level B1 (intermediate) competence [https://www.fluentin3months.com/cefr-levels/]  Write in accordance with the style and format prescribed in the disciplines of philosophy and history  Analyse, evaluate and critique existing interpretations in the disciplines of history and philosophy  Plan and construct new arguments in conversation with the state of a particular field in history and/or philosophy  Generate new knowledge that lies at the interface of the disciplines of philosophy and history, and communicate this knowledge in the form of a substantial piece of writing To learn more about the Philosophy, History and Languages (PHL) programme at Ahmedabad University you may send an email to [email protected].read more >>

    Offered at: School of Arts and Sciences

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  • Physics

    From the large-scale processes that form galaxies to the complex phenomena we encounter at a quantum scale, Physics is the science of the most fundamental forces that shape our Universe, govern our lives and underlie our technological achievements. An Undergraduate degree in Physics gives students a rigorous and hands-on instruction in the principles of this science. The major in Physics introduces students to the principles of Physics in the fundamental areas of classical mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, and mathematical physics, and in certain specialised branches of Physics such as atomic physics, solid state physics, etc. The student will learn about the scientific method of understanding physical phenomena through both lecture-based courses and laboratory courses. Computational methods of studying physical phenomena will be an integral part of the programme. The Undergraduate Thesis and Capstone Project, and any research projects, will introduce students to research methods in Physics and require them to carry out research in an area of their interest. Through laboratory and theory courses and combined with the University’s interdisciplinary course of study outside the major, the major in Physics hopes to create the well-rounded scientists of tomorrow. The major in Physics aims to inculcate in students the spirit of inquiry and scientific reasoning through lecture-based and laboratory courses which also include problem-solving exercises. To enable this, the following broad objectives of the major are envisioned: Introduce students to the principles of Physics in the fundamental areas of Physics  Impart a broad understanding of the physical principles, and help students develop critical thinking and quantitative reasoning skills Through lecture-based courses, enable students to consider a problem involving physical phenomena, to identify physical variables and the laws of physics that are relevant to the problem, and to apply them to solve the problem Through laboratory courses, train students in designing experiments to answer a physics query, building the necessary equipment (in some laboratory courses), recognising the sensitivity of the equipment they are using, taking data as accurately as possible, and recognising errors in measurement Introduce students to research methods in physics through the Undergraduate Thesis or Capstone Project, or any research projects Enhance students’ writing skills through scientific writing, and help them clarify their own understanding of the topic, and introduce students to the notion that a scientist's role includes sharing scientific discoveries and advancements with the public Provide an excellent training in physics for those keen on pursuing higher degrees in the discipline and counsel those who wish to choose alternative career paths On completing this major, the student will be able to: given a physical phenomenon, identify what may be determined in terms of physical variables and the laws of Physics that are relevant to the phenomenon apply these laws to explain the phenomenon design basic experiments to answer a Physics query recognise the sensitivity of the equipment they are using take data as accurately as possible analyse errors in measurements write about scientific topics in a manner understandable to a layperson apply methods of reasoning to look at problems outside of Physics The major in Physics will provide an excellent training in Physics for those keen on pursuing higher degrees in Physics. Those students who may not wish to pursue higher education will be counselled about alternative career paths, such as in finance, science writing, software programming or analytics, and the courses required to pursue such paths. Eligibility: The Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physics is open to anyone who has completed class 12 or equivalent with Physics and Mathematics as subjects. Students are expected to have a strong preparation in Mathematics for the programme. To learn more about the Physics programme at Ahmedabad University you may send an email to [email protected].read more >>

    Offered at: School of Arts and Sciences

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  • Psychology

    Psychology is the scientific study of mental processes and behaviour. The undergraduate courses and research in Psychology enable students to learn: (i) how people perceive, learn and think; (ii) how behaviour is motivated; (iii) how individuals differ from one another; (iv) how the behaviour changes across the life-span; (v) how interpersonal variables impact relationships in groups, organisations and society; and (vi) how pathological behaviour develops and is modified. Though the focus is mostly on an individual person, comparative studies with other organisms and across cultures enrich knowledge at biological and social-cultural level - in line with the interdisciplinary approach of the Ahmedabad University.  The courses in the Psychology major introduce students to the theories and empirical studies of mental processes and behaviour. Experiments in the laboratory are performed to verify known psychological facts and principles and to investigate new ones. Psychological testing makes students skilled in the assessment of people. Consequently, attitude, knowledge and skills relevant to (i) careers in business, counselling, education, law, medicine and public policy, and (ii) research in psychology are acquired. Students majoring in psychology are expected to demonstrate: The knowledge of the basic psychological processes and practises in Psychology The skills to observe, record and analyse a problem using scientific method and to draw sound inferences from the data The knowledge and application of cognitive processes such as perception, memory, learning, thinking, reasoning, and intelligence The knowledge of life-span development of various psychological processes The knowledge of social influences on human behaviour The knowledge of biological factors shaping human behaviour The knowledge of psychiatric disorders and the tools and techniques to treat them To learn more about the Psychology programme at Ahmedabad University you may send an email to [email protected].read more >>

    Offered at: School of Arts and Sciences

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  • Social and Political Sciences

    The major in Social and Political Sciences (SPS) at Ahmedabad University is envisioned as an interdisciplinary programme that goes beyond traditional disciplinary categories such as history, politics, sociology, and economics. It is designed to train students to critically analyse the relationships between contemporary society, politics, economy, and culture. The SPS major addresses the urgent need for well-informed professionals with the societal insights, historical consciousness, critical analytical skills, and methodological training required to engage meaningfully with complex socio-political realities of the 21st century and to design and implement solutions. Students will explore rich theoretical questions to apply their insights to the problems of contemporary society, such as what is the responsibility of the modern state towards its citizens? What are the values of liberal democracy, and how are they realised or undermined? How do social structures influence individual experiences of power and inequality? How are social identities constructed, and how do they shape understandings and contestations relating to gender, race, class, and caste? In what ways have new media technologies redefined the construction of the self and society? What are the connections between globalisation, transnational institutions, and local phenomena? What are the claims of a free market society, and how does it operate in practice? Is inequality an inevitable outcome of modern capitalist societies? By engaging with such questions, the coursework will take students through key themes, influential thinkers, and crucial debates in various social science disciplines. Students will be equipped with skills in quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods, case study and comparative research, archival and document analysis, and participant observation. Furthermore, course activities and assignments will require students to examine how abstract ideas specifically relate to their worlds and the possibilities for a critical engagement with the factors that shape individuals and society. Students will take nine theory courses, one research proposal writing course, two methods courses, and seven elective courses. In their final year, students undertake either a capstone project or an undergraduate thesis project, enabling them to gain a deeper understanding of their specific interests at the culmination of this interdisciplinary programme. The Social and Political Sciences Major is designed to equip students with a basic understanding of how to apply social science analysis to contemporary economic, political, and social problems: Domain Knowledge and Application: On completion of the major, the student will be able to: Analyse intersections of society, state, culture, and economy Understand how the contemporary world is shaped by historical processes Demonstrate familiarity with critical social science concepts and frameworks Analyse the relationship between knowledge production and power relations in society Identify and analyse social processes, mechanisms and institutions Frame a research question, identify suitable types of evidence, and gather and interpret quantitative and qualitative data Engagement with society: On completion of the major, the student will be able to: Use problem-solving approaches to bridge the gap between knowledge and application Connect their personal experiences with larger social structures and phenomena Personal skills: On completion of the major, the student will be able to: Design and carry out independent study and collaborative projects Engage in academic reasoning and argumentation and present their analysis using conventional and digital presentation modes. Ahmedabad University recognises that career options for young graduates are becoming more diverse. Therefore, it emphasises the skills required to innovate and succeed in a fast-changing economy. Students majoring in SPS can pursue higher studies in anthropology, development studies, international studies, political science, sociology, and urban planning. In addition to academics, students can pursue careers in journalism, law, new media, the development sector, and civil services. To learn more about the Social and Political Sciences (SPS) major at Ahmedabad University you may send an email to [email protected].read more >>

    Offered at: School of Arts and Sciences

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