“Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.” - Franz Kafka
Ahmedabad University’s annual event, Youth Festival, is an embodiment of Kafka’s words. The festival recognises and celebrates beauty in all its forms, in a way only the youth can perceive it.
Youth Festival 2023 packs in enthusiasm and energy, while recognising the need for change. We take great pleasure in announcing the theme for Youth Festival 2023, Self and Society; one that aligns with the core of Ahmedabad University.
With great excitement, we roll out the competitive day events in music, dance, game design, and art, and contemplative evenings reserved for stargazing, film screenings, and jamming.
Date: January 27-29, 2023
Registration link: https://linktr.ee/youthfest2023