“Each hurdle that you encounter within this space acts as a reflection of your inherent power. Equip yourself with assurance and let inquisitiveness lead you to overcome barriers in your path ahead.”
‘Do or Dare’ is an event where we will challenge the participants with various kinds of dares associated with both physical and mental fitness, which they will have to complete in order to go to a higher level. After a certain number of rounds, the top five participants will be given a tougher dare, and the top three who complete the dare successfully will be the winners.
Date: Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Time: 3:00 PM Onwards
Venue: University Centre, Central Campus, Ahmedabad University
This ambush isn’t going to be ordinary in any way. In fact, interestingly, the participants would not only want to go through this trap but also complete it. Each participant will be given different dares, and the one who reaches the pinnacle will be the winner.
For example, one of the genres under the dares for mental fitness could be to recognise one’s coping mechanisms and categorising them as ‘healthy’ or ‘unhealthy’. So here we will give them a note containing different sections wherein they will have to identify various emotions such as anger, guilt, sadness, shame, and anxiety, as their coping mechanisms, and categorise each emotion as ‘healthy’ or ‘unhealthy’. This exercise will lead the participants to not only think about their coping mechanisms but also understand their mental well-being by classifying the emotions as healthy or unhealthy. It will thus help them incorporate changes in their lives to use healthier coping mechanisms. After completing this dare, the participants will move to the next stage.
There will be a total of six stages of dares, each pertaining to a different genre, including those associated with physical and mental fitness. The top five participants successfully completing the six stages will be shortlisted for the final dare. The final dare shall be a mix of genres, with the participants expected to figure out each one of them. The top three who successfully complete this dare will be the winners.