Plant Location and Equipment Lay Out- Soda Ash Plant, a Case Study
Industry Expert Talk: Plant Location and Equipment Lay Out- Soda Ash Plant, a Case Study
Plant location and equipment layout are one of the important tasks of a process engineer and is to be considered during the basic engineering design India is the sixth largest producer of soda ash in the world. The share of Gujarat in the county is more than 95% of total production of soda ash. Nirma Limited is the largest manufacturer, followed by GHCL and Tata chemicals.
Soda ash is a major raw material for other chemical products and also is used widely as end product. The production involves major unit operations, reaction and material handling.
It is worth to know why Gujarat is the preferred location for this product – case study and how the equipment layout is decided for the smooth flow of material and effective operation considering chemical safety aspects. With this view, this talk is arranged in the benefit of chemical engineering students