Webinar : Design Thinking For Problem Solving: Toolsets And Skill Sets To Change Mindsets
Most new product ideas fail; most problems are not solved. We are missing a trick. the process of moving the big idea through the stages of inspiration, definition, ideation, prototyping, testing, and scaling is fraught with pitfalls. How do we navigate through the stages successfully? Innovation funnels using the traditional stage-gate based methods are too focussed on avoiding failed innovations and miss potential winners that do not cross a stage gate.
Enter design thinking. This approach revolves around non-linear iteration, flexibility, speed, and failing fast. The focus is on effectiveness, not efficiency, on outcome not process, on problem solving not business plans, on thinking slow and acting fast. Design thinking, a human-centric approach to innovation, has expanded the meaning of the word design from the aesthetics of tangible objects to holistic problem solving.
Our speaker, who has authored a book on design thinking, is an innovation evangelist and a creative problem solver. He will explain the use of design thinking across domains, from product development to everyday problems. He will take us through the toolsets and skill sets needed for attaining the design thinking mindset.