Unsteady fluid flow creates noise in many applications and for a wide variety of Mach numbers. For example, flow-induced noise on a submarine is created by ultra-low Mach number flows, while sonic fatigue in a hypersonic propulsion system is created at very high Mach number. In-between are noise sources created by wind turbines, aeroengine fan blades and UAV propellers. This talk will give an overview of recent research carried out by the Flow Noise Group at UNSW Sydney. This will encompass an overview of the important theoretical mechanisms controlling low and high Mach number sound production, fundamental experiments and computations, and applications of novel aeroacoustic noise control methods.
About the Speaker: Con Doolan obtained an honours degree in Mechanical Engineering and a PhD in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Queensland. After working at the University of Glasgow, Department of Defence (Australia) and University of Adelaide, he is now a Professor at the University of New South Wales, Sydney and leads the Flow Noise Group. His research is focussed on aeroacoustics, or the production of sound from unsteady fluid flow. Current projects include the control of airfoil noise using novel perforated and poroelastic materials, submarine noise, wind turbine noise and understanding the acoustics of supersonic, reacting flows.