The field of Interfacial Science and Engineering isat the boundary of various subjects. It is required by manychemical and process industries and often there is overlapbetween the requirements. A study of this subject by itselfallows a unified approach to all these applications. The present talk will give a background of the interfacial forces, surfactants, the self-assembly of various structures and thebasic properties of these systems which are useful inapplications. The applications of this subject in variousfields such as paints, pharmaceutical, dyeing, textile, fuel, biotechnology, separations, reactions and biotechnology will also be discussed. Some of the work in our groupabout fuel, reaction media and foamability will also be reviewed.
About the Speaker: Dr. Sunil Bhagwat, is a faculty member in the Institute of Chemical Technology (earlier known asUDCT/UICT), Mumbai since 1986. He holds the position of Professor of Chemical Engineering, Coordinator of Centreof Excellence in Process Intensification and PostGraduate Diploma course in Chemical Technology Management andDean, Internal Quality Assurance.His area of Specialization is Interfacial Science andEngineering, Artificial Neural Networks, Energy and ExergyEngineering. Besides at the ICT, he has spent one year atthe University of Florida, USA and a semester at TexasTech University, USA. He has guided over thirty doctoraltheses, and has more than 75 international publications 10 national and international patents to his credit.
Date: March 04, 2019
Venue: 112,GICT Building
Keywords: Research Seminar Series