Title: Quaternion based leader-follower robust tracking control of an industrial robot using an anthropomorphic arm
PI: Dr Harshal Oza
Project Duration: 3 years (2016-2019)
Funding Organisation: Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India.
Summary: This research project aims to develop a method to control an industrial robot remotely. The principal motivation of this project is in developing a safe technology for operators of industrial robots with a potential to develop solutions for hazardous area applications. The currently available technology in the area makes the task of the operator cumbersome when interacting with a robot via two or three dimensional devices such as a joy-stick or teaching pendants. This project will make use of a dexterous wearable accessory as a leader that will generate desired joint trajectories of the follower 6-degree if freedom robot. A task space control of the end effector of the follower robot will be achieved by utilizing quaternion based robot kinematics and dynamics.