(As a part of DST-ASEAN and DST-UKIERI Research Project)
June 18-23, 2018
About the Event:
A Faculty Development Program titled “Advanced 5G Wireless Communication: Performance Analysis and Monte-Carlo Simulations” was organized by School of Engineering and Applied Science, Ahmedabad University as a part of DST-ASEAN and DST-UKIERI Research Project. The program was especially intended to provide with in-depth technical exposure of Cognitive Radio, Cyber-Physical Systems, Massive MIMO, Full Duplex Radio and their utilities in upcoming 5G technology to the faculty members from engineering colleges, research scholars inwireless communication, under-graduate and post-graduate students. A total of 28 enthusiastic participants including 14 faculty members, 7 PhD scholars, and 7 undergraduate students participated in the program. The program was independently conducted by the DST-ASEAN and DST-UKIERI Committee and was scheduled in a systematic flow of theory sessions synchronized with the laboratory sessions. This program was scheduled from June 18 – 23, 2018 in communication lab (213), GICT building of Ahmedabad University.
During the program, the participants were schooled on the concepts like Cognitive Radio and its applications, Spectrum Sensing techniques like Energy Detection and Improved Energy Detection, spectrum Sensing in realistic conditions, Receiver Diversity techniques under correlated and uncorrelated fading scenario – BER (Bit Error Rate) plot with Monte Carlo Simulations, Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) Vs Orthogonal Multiple Access (OMA) scheme - with average achievable rate comparison and hands-on experience of using USRP devices for Spectrum Data acquisition, Massive MIMO concept, Intelligent Transport Systems - with random traffic generation and traffic simulations using SUMO and GEM-V 2 , Machine Learning Algorithms, and also the concept of Full Duplex Radio and its applications. The participants were provided with detailed literature, in which each and every topic taught during the theory sessions was explained in a lucid manner. All the codes for the algorithms were simulated and executed using MATLAB. Moreover, python programming and open source software framework for modeling and simulating real-time embedded systems, Ptolemy was also touched upon.
An expert talk on “Concept Mapping” was delivered by Dr. Dhaval which helped the participants to organize and structure the knowledge. As a hands-on for concept mapping, four teams were formed mutually and were asked to prepare and present a concept map related to cyber physical systems. All the groups actively participated in the team work and proved their potential. The participants carried great patience, motivation and curiosity right from the beginning and felt up skilled at the end of the program. The program was concluded on the evening of June 23 rd after exchange of opinions and reviews by the participants.
Web Link :
FDP 2018
FDP 2017
Keywords: Funded Research