Amit A. Nanavati is a Professor at Ahmedabad University and an Adjunct Professor at IIT Delhi. Prior to this, Amit was a Senior Technical Lead Automation Solutions at IBM GTS Innovation Labs (2016-21), and played the role of Senior Manager, Manager and Research Staff Member at IBM Research (2000-16).
As part of IBM Research, Professor Nanavati led the Telecom Research group on The Spoken Web and SNAzzy projects. The Spoken Web project received the National Award 2009 for Technological Innovation/Best Applied Research aimed at improving the life of persons with disabilities given by the President of India. The SNAzzy project won an Outstanding Science Accomplishment Research Division Award in 2015. His 2008 paper "Social Ties and Their Relevance to Churn in Mobile Telecom Networks" won the EDBT Test of Time Award in 2018.
Professor Nanavati was named an IBM Master Inventor in 2011, 2017 and 2020. He co-authored a book on "Speech in Mobile and Pervasive Environments" published by John Wiley, UK, in 2012. Over 60 US patents have been granted to him and he has written over 60 publications. He became an ACM Distinguished Speaker in 2014, and an ACM Distinguished Scientist in 2015.
After completing his PhD in Computer Science from Louisiana State University, he joined Netscape in California and spent a summer at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL, NASA).