The concern towards building a resilient and responsible world is amplified as human societies worldwide are confronted by a pandemic, conflict, and climate change, which have economic, social, and psychological consequences that challenge the sustainable development goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations. These challenges require profound behaviour changes for adaptation and mitigation. Psychological sciences have been working on the relationship between different aspects of these challenges, the cognitive, affective, motivational, interpersonal and organisational, and social responses and processes.
The Annual Conventions of the National Academy of Psychology (NAOP) aim to provide a platform to present, discuss, and debate issues that confront individuals, groups, and communities in this fast-changing world. In this 32nd Annual Convention of NAOP, we invite the psychology fraternity and those from related disciplines to present their work, debate, discuss, and have a dialogue that contributes to building a more resilient and sustainable world. Technology is ubiquitous in our life. Its power can be harnessed by adapting it to increase human efficiency and well-being. The following sub-themes are planned along with the regular sub-disciplines of psychology in this Annual Convention.
The list of topics is indicative and is not limited. Presentations on other socially relevant topics will also be considered.
For queries, please send an email to [email protected] or call on +91.9909907111 | Palak Binaikya or +91.9375225405 | Zinaz Dumasia
Register for the Convention Abstract Submission Group Registration for Students
Date | Timeline |
October 20, 2022 | Abstract Submission opens |
December 30, 2022 | Closing date for Abstract Submission |
October 20, 2022 | Opening date for Symposium Proposals |
December 31, 2022 | Closing date for Symposium Proposals |
November 15, 2022 | Opening date for pre-and post-Convention Workshop Proposals |
December 31, 2022 | Closing date for pre-and post-Convention Workshop Proposals |
About Ahmedabad University
Ahmedabad University is a leading private, non-profit research university offering students a liberal education focused on interdisciplinary learning, practice orientation, and research thinking. The University, established in 2009, is rooted in the vision of one of India’s finest educational foundations, the Ahmedabad Education Society, which was founded in 1935 by nationalist leaders. Programmes at the University range from bachelors to doctoral levels in humanities and social sciences, natural sciences, engineering, and management through its 10 Schools and Centres.
An urban university, Ahmedabad promotes independent-mindedness and diversity across all dimensions of its activity and helps students mature into critical thinkers who are analytically equipped, practically oriented, and contextually aware global citizens. The University provides a contemporary educational framework that brings liberal arts, sciences, and the professions to engage together in creating new knowledge for addressing complex challenges of the society and in offering majors that merge the boundaries of disciplines to prepare students for the new economy.
About School of Arts and Sciences
The School of Arts and Sciences at Ahmedabad University has five divisions, spanning the liberal arts and sciences. It practices collaborative, interdisciplinary learning and helps students acquire the ability to analyse and synthesise ideas and information so they can form cogent arguments and creatively express themselves as they progress in academic life. With Majors in subjects ranging from Computer Science to Psychology, Life Sciences to Visual Arts, Physics to Philosophy, History, and Languages, the School's Undergraduate and Graduate Programmes offer a stimulating intellectual environment.
About NAOP
The National Academy of Psychology (NAOP) is a major national organisation of professional psychologists in India. Established in 1989, NAOP represents India in the International Union of Psychological Sciences (IUPS), a union of national bodies of Psychology from across the globe.
NAOP has about 550 registered members. On average, the Annual Conventions receive 200 to 250 delegates. The Annual Conventions include invited international speakers and keynote addresses by global leaders in Psychology. Every year, the Annual Convention has a distinct theme. The theme for this year’s Convention is “Building a resilient and responsible world: Emerging trends in Psychology”. The symposia and workshops reflect a wide variety of thematic areas in the discipline of psychology. The Annual Conventions allow the participants to interact with a wide range of researchers from India and abroad and form research collaborations and networks based on mutual interests.
General Guidelines for Abstract Submissions
Presentation Mode
Symposium: Duration - Not more than 90 minutes. There must be at least four presentations and/or discussion sections under one topic. The author who submits the abstract is responsible for forwarding all received information to other authors. The presenting author must be registered for the Convention.
Abstract Requirement
For individual submissions
For Symposia Submissions
The symposium organiser should submit the symposia abstract on behalf of all presenting authors. The symposium abstract should follow the requirement of individual submissions. The symposium organiser should also submit a supplementary file which contains information of each presentation, including the major theme of the symposium. Do not submit the Symposium Proposal if you do not have all presentations from your symposium participants.
Review Procedure
The abstract will be reviewed by two reviewers from the division that the abstract is submitted to. The division review manager will make the decision recommendation to the Scientific Committee of NAOP which reserves the right to accept or refuse the submission, and also holds the final decision on the method of presentation. There are no revision opportunities. However, a refused abstract can be revised and resubmitted as a new abstract.
The reviewer will score the abstract based on the following criteria:
Overall appropriateness for inclusion in the programme.
Guidelines for Poster Presentation
Dimensions for the poster: 36 x 24 inches
The poster must include the following:
Register for the Convention Abstract Submission Group Registration for Students
Professor Durganand Sinha Dissertation Award - 2022
Last Date of Application: January 15, 2023
Background: The Professor Durganand Sinha Doctoral Dissertation Award was instituted during the lifetime of Professor Sinha to promote and recognise quality scientific research in the form of a Doctoral Dissertation. After his death in 1998, the Award is being managed by the Professor Durganand Sinha Trust. The National Academy of Psychology (NAOP) India organises the Award competition during its Annual Convention. This year the Award competition will be organised along with the 32nd Annual Convention of NAOP that is being organised by Ahmedabad University, Ahmedabad, on March 3-5, 2023.
Eligibility for the Award: To be eligible for the Award, the candidate must have received a Doctoral degree (in Psychology or related areas of Psychological Sciences) not more than three years prior to the date of the Annual Convention of NAOP (i.e. January 2020 or later).
Application Procedure: Each aspirant must email the completed application along with all the documents to the Award Chair, Professor Ramacharan Tripathi ([email protected]), on or before the last date. The application document must be accompanied by the following:
Award Procedure:
Date | Timeline |
Day 1: March 3, 2023 | |
8:20 AM - 10:00 AM | Inauguration by Dr Santrupt Misra, Chief Guest Venue: Multipurpose Hall, University Centre |
10:00 AM - 10:25 AM | Breakfast |
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM | Keynote Speech on the theme of the Conference Speaker: Professor Lori Foster Venue: Multipurpose Hall, University Centre |
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM |
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM: Special Keynote Address 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM Oral Presentation 1: Digital Technology, Mental Health & Cyber Psychology |
1:00 PM to 2:00 PM | Lunch Break |
2:00 PM to 3.30 PM | Plenary Session Application of Psychological Sciences in Business and Organizations: Experience Sharing Speaker: Dr Sethu Madhavan, Mr Somdev Chaudhuri, Peeush Upadhyay, Dr T V Rao, Dr Udaya Kumar Reddy, Shailendra Singh, and Mohit Gupta Venue: Multipurpose Hall, University Centre/ Poster |
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM | Tea Break |
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM | Invited Lecture 1 Speaker: Professor Annika Harenstam Topic: Contextual and Methodological Perspectives on Work Psychology: Implications and Recommendations for Research and Application in Working Life Speaker: Professor Neharika Vohra Topic: The Case of the Missing Women Entrepreneurs: Investigating the Role of Biases among Men and Women Invited Lecture 2 Speaker: Professor Lotta Delve Topic: Organisational Silence or Voice - and Sustainability Speaker: Professor Meena Hariharan Topic: Status of Health Psychology: Research and Application in India Oral Presentation 2: AI & Cyber Psychology Oral Presentation 3: Social Psychology Oral Presentation 4: Developmental & Educational Psychology Oral Presentation 5: Workplace Diversity |
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM |
Symposium 1: Qualitative Research Practices and the Question of Representation Symposium 2: Juxtaposition between Psychology and Technology in Health Communication Symposium 3: Healthy Lifestyle: Support, Effort, and Promote Oral Presentation 6: Workplace Diversity |
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM | Interaction with Senior Professor / Executive Council |
Poster presentations will take place in two slots from 8:00 am to 12:45 pm and from 1:00 pm to 6:30 pm | |
8:30 AM - 12:45 PM | General Psychology |
1:00 PM - 6:30 PM | Recent Advances in Psychology |
Day 2: March 4, 2023 | |
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM | Breakfast |
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM |
Invited Lecture 3 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM: Presentation by Title Sponsor (Tobii Eye Tracking Demo) Symposium 4: Adverse Childhood Experiences (Childhood Trauma) & Mental Health Oral Presentation 9: Ethics, Justice, Equity & Wellbeing |
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM | Keynote Speech: Nature and Dynamics of Social Influence Speaker: Professor Janak Pandey Venue: Multipurpose Hall, University Centre/ Poster |
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM |
Invited Lecture 4 Invited Lecture 5 Invited Lecture 6 Brief Oral Presentation 3: Developmental & Health Psychology |
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM | Lunch Break |
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM |
Durganand Sinha Award Invited Lecture 7 Springer workshop Brief Oral presentation 5: Education, Ethics & Media Wellbeing |
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM | Tea Break |
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM | Durganand Sinha Memorial Lecture Speaker: Professor Minati Panda Venue: Multipurpose Hall |
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM |
Invited Lecture 8 Symposium 5: Vipassana Meditation: Exploring its contribution for Mental well-being Symposium 6: Women and Leadership in Organizations Brief Oral presentation 7: Gender Issues, Diversity & Challenges in Contemporary India |
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM | NAOP General Board Meeting/ Cultural Programme |
Poster presentations will take place in two slots from 8:00 AM to 12:45 PM and from 1:00 PM to 6:30 PM | |
8:00 AM - 12:45 PM | Life Span Development Psychology |
1:00 PM - 6:30 PM | Health Care Management |
Day 3: March 5, 2023 | |
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM | Breakfast |
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM | Plenary Session Confronting Colonialistic Hegemonic Ideas in Psychology in India, and Indian Psychology as a viable Alternative Speakers: Professor Girishwar Mishra, Professor Suneet Varma, Professor Kundan Singh, Professor Robinder Singh, Professor Aashish Pandey, Dr Rajshekar Krishnan Venue: Multipurpose Hall, University Centre |
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM | Plenary Session: Research Ethics: Navigating Cultural Challenges Speakers: Professor Shagufa Kapadia, Professor Kumar Ravi Priya, Dr Deepika Sharma, Prama Bhattacharya, Professor Arpita Gupta, Professor Sangeeta Yadav, Dr Mrinmoyi Kulkarni |
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM |
Symposium 7: Rethinking Grief and Death in Psychology Invited Lecture 9 Oral Presentation 20: Gender Issues, Diversity & Challenges in Contemporary India Symposium 8: Technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in reshaping Psychometric Assessments in 21 st Century |
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM | Lunch Break |
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM |
Keynote Speech: Problem of Transforming Psychology as a Responsible Science in the Indian Context Symposium 9: Shifting frames of Social Diversity: Implications for Intergroup Relations Symposium 10: Journeys of Self-Refinement: Indian Worldviews on Suffering Oral Presentation 24: Recent Advances in Cognitive psychology & Neuropsychology |
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM | Tea Break |
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM | Valedictory Address Speaker: Professor Rama Charan Tripathi |
Poster presentations will take place in two slots from 8:00 am to 12:45 pm and from 1:00 pm to 6:30 pm | |
8:00 AM - 12:45 PM | Gender Issues, Diversity, and Challenges in Contemporary India |
1:00 PM - 6:30 PM | Social Psychology |
Dear Presenters, please follow the below-mentioned guidelines to find out the specific timings and days for your presentations.
Click on the button below named 'Schedule for Abstract Presentations' to access a Google sheet containing the specific time and day of your presentation.
Schedule for Oral Presentation Schedule for Brief Oral Presentation Schedule for Poster Presentation
Date | Title of the Workshop | Name of the Facilitator |
March 1-2, 2023 |
Self-Emotional Regulation through Music | Dr Durgesh Upadhyay |
March 1-2, 2023 |
Biofeedback Therapy Training Workshop | Dr K Jayasankara Reddy |
March 1-2, 2023 |
Fundamentals of Assessment and Development Centre | Dr Priyanka Behrani, Dr Ankita Sharma, and Mr Krishnadas J |
March 1-2, 2023 | Life Skills Training Programme for Self-development and Well-being to fulfil the United Nations Organisation Sustainable Development Goals and the National Education Policy 2020 Goals | Mr Sumit Dutta |
March 2, 2023 | Using Gender Analysis: The importance of qualitative methods in psychological research. | Dr Sadhana Natu |
March 2, 2023 | Professional Supervision in Mental health | Dr Vasuki Mathivanan |
March 2, 2023 | Stress Safety Net and Agile Performance Management for Organisational Excellence | Dr Udaya Kumar Reddy |
March 2, 2023 | Psychological data analysis and data visualisation Using R-Studio | Professor Murshida Khatoon |
March 2, 2023 | Swaparichaya: Enhancing our mental health and well-being | Professor Swati Patra |
March 2, 2023 | Developing and Empirically Testing Constructs in Indian Psychology | Professor Ashish Pandey and Professor Ajinkya Navare |
March 2, 2023 | Tools, Techniques and Templates For Self-Reflection and growth For Psychologists | Dr Sudipta Roy and Shobha Managoli |
March 2, 2023 | Experiential learning - Sharpen your Skills with Edge (Understanding Adult Learning Principles and their Therapeutic Use) | Mr Sanjiv Deshpande |
March 2, 2023 | Designing Surveys and Behavioral Experiments in Psychology | Mr Shubham Pandey, Professor Nithin George, Ms Manvi Jain |
March 2, 2023 | Emotional Intelligence: Applications at Home, School and Workplace | Professor Rabindra Kumar pradhan |
March 6, 2023 | Hands-on Training on the “Application of Item Response Theory in Test Construction using R studio" | Dr Sumona Datta |
March 6, 2023 | Introduction TEAM-CBT: A New Model for Psychotherapy | Dr Dipti Joshi |
March 6-7, 2023 | Clinical Hypnotherapy And Practice | Professor Urmi Nanda Biswas and Dr Parisha Jijina |
March 6-7, 2023 | RORSCHACH psycho-diagnostic (Understanding the Basics and Beyond) | Pragna Desai |
Professor of Industrial-Organisational Psychology
North Carolina State University, USA
University of Cape Town, South Africa
A former member of the White House Social and Behavioral Sciences Team, Lori Foster serves as a Behavioural Sciences Advisor to various United Nations entities. In her academic role, she oversees the 4D Lab, which focuses on research at the intersection of work, psychology, technology, and sustainable development.
ICSSR National Fellow
Professor Janak Pandey is Former Head, CBCS, University of Allahabad; Former First Vice Chancellor, Central University of Bihar; and Former Head, Department of Psychology, University of Allahabad.
Former National Fellow (ICSSR)
Professor Girishwar Misra served as the Head of the Department at the University of Delhi for two decades. He has been one of the pioneers of the emerging field of Indian Psychology. He has also been working as the Chief Editor of Psychological Studies, Springer for 16 years. His major publications include Psychological Consequences of Prolonged Deprivation and Deprivation: Its Social Roots and Psychological Consequences. He has authored many books, including Handbook of Psychology in India. He has been the recipient of many notable national awards. Professor Misra was the Vice Chancellor of the Mahatma Gandhi International Hindi University.
Group Director, Birla Carbon
Director, Chemicals
Director, Group Human Resources
Aditya Birla Group
Dr Santrupt Misra is currently the Group Director at Birla Carbon; Director, Chemicals, and Director, Group Human Resources, at the Aditya Birla Group, a global Indian conglomerate in the league of Fortune 500. He is a business leader and an HR professional with over three decades of experience in international business leadership, corporate governance, organisational transformation, non-profit leadership, and Human Resource development.
Professor in Sociology and Anthropology
University of Guelph
Associate Professor and Head
UG and PG Department of Psychology
Modern College Ganeshkhind
Savitribai Phule Pune University
Professor Emerita
Department of Sociology and Work Science
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Professor in Organisational Behavior
IIM Ahmedabad
School of Criminology & Behavioural Sciences
Rashtriya Raksha University
DIG, Crime Branch
Tibet House, New Delhi
Associate Professor
School of Arts and Sciences
Ahmedabad University
Professor in Work Science
Gothenburg University, Sweden
Centre for Health Psychology
University of Hyderabad
Associate Professor of Psychology
Language and Cognitive Development Lab
University of California, Berkeley
Department of Psychology
University of Delhi
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
IIT Kharagpur
Former Scientist ‘G’ and Head
Mental Health Division
Defense Institute of Psychological Research
National Multilingual Resource Consortium
Jawaharlal Nehru University
Former Professor of Psychology
Deputy Director
Tata Institute of Social Sciences
Professor and Head
Department of Cognitive Science
IIT Kanpur
Neuroscience and Psychology
School of Arts and Sciences
Ahmedabad University
Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India
President, NAOP
Institute of Rural Management Anand
Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology
Institute of Psychology
Faculty of Educational Sciences
University of Lodz, Poland
Ex. Professor, IIMA
Honorary Professor
Dr. Albert Schweitzer International University
Distinguished University Professor
School of Arts and Sciences
Ahmedabad University
Professor Pankaj Chandra, Vice Chancellor, Ahmedabad University, Ahmedabad
Professor Girishwar Misra , Ex Vice Chancellor, Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Wardha, Maharashtra
Professor Janak Pandey, Ex Vice Chancellor, Central University of Bihar, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh
Professor Manas K Mandal, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, West Bengal
Professor Prakash Padkanaya, Christ University, Bengaluru
Professor Komila Thapa, University of Allahabad, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh
Professor Urmi Nanda Biswas, Ahmedabad University (Convenor)
Professor Shilpa Pandit, Ahmedabad University
Professor Divita Singh, Ahmedabad University
Professor Nithin George, Ahmedabad University
Professor Nagireddy Neelkanteswar Reddy, Ahmedabad University.
Professor Rama Ratnam, Ahmedabad University
Professor Ramacharan Tripathi, University of Allahabad, Centre for Advanced Study in Psychology, Emeritus
Professor Vindhya Undurti, Tata Institute of Social Sciences Hyderabad, Telangana
Professor Narayanan Srinivasan, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh
Professor Minati Panda, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi
Professor Saswata Narayan Biswas, Institute of Rural Management Anand, Gujarat
Professor Manjari Srivastava, NMIMS University, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
Professor Shagufa Kapadia, M S University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat
Professor Roomana N Siddiqui, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh
Professor Nandita Babu, University of Delhi, Delhi
Professor Neena Kohli, University of Allahabad, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh
Professor Mewa Singh, University of Mysore, Mysore, Karnataka
Professor Sonali De, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, West Bengal
Professor Surendra Kumar Sia, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry
Professor Suchi Sinha, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Dr Govind Swaroop Pathak, Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad
Dr Jitendra Singh, Defense Institute of Psychological Research, DRDO, Delhi
Dr Ramakrishna Biswal, NIT Rourkela
Dr R.K. Biswal, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela
Dr Vijender Pandey, SB University, Gulbarga, Karnataka
Dr Sanjay Kumar, Department of Psychology, University of Allahabad, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh
Dr Rabindra Kumar Pradhan, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Dr Dharmendra Nath Tiwari, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi
Dr Sumitava Mukherjee, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi