The Indian Army is one of the largest forces of the world not only in numbers of personnel they have serving the power but also as an employer. Indian Army is a hierarchical structure and gets many of its youngest joining people at the age of 18 who may retire by the age of 40. (Not necessarily, passing out through the high profile National Defense Academy). When such personnel retires whole different world waits for them, the life part which they are not used to. They are in a new situation itself where they have to identify the new work they might be looking for. This study focuses on the personnel below officer rank in Indian Army. These men tend to have lower/middle socio-economic background, educational qualifications, and level of enrollment in the armed forces (Kishore, 1991, p. 67; Maharajan & Subramani, 2014a, 2014b). They are recruited at lower ranks, Subedar, and cannot make it to officer level very quickly. Their technical level education is limited and so is the learning part. Till they are part of the forces, they share a unique, sustained comradeship. Also, the uniformity of their ranks even after release from the services, distinctly characterize them as a separate socio-economic group (Kishore, 1991, p. 67; Maharajan & Subramani, 2014a, 2014b).
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Ex-serviceman, Opportunities, Mapping Profiling, Welfare