Since ascent of biology in research on humanoid decision making, behavioural economics has engaged strides in direction of snowballing psychosomatic practicality of prototypes and causal suppositions. This tactic has been efficacious at spawning innovative exploration schemata in neuroentrepreneurial preference dynamics (including Neuropsychoeconomics and Psychoeconomics). Cognitive preference indication depend on (neuro) psychology,neuro (biology), pathology plus (neuro) psychoeconomics and it encompasses factors that project a principal character in course of crafting cognitive preferences on a neural plane. This is notwithstanding of the point if they are made determinedly or indeterminably. Issues like how cognitive preferential biological substrates underlying cognition processes transgress in brain pathways, how brain considers sources of neuro and what intrinsic biological substrates underlying cognition processes embody conflicting values have been explored to design ‘rational’ cognitive preferences. Paper is focused on major planning problems and entrepreneurs (practitioners) who make bulk of decisions. It examines practitioners’ challenges which include under - defined projects where the scope, dimensions and predictability of biological substrates underlying cognition processes cannot be reasonably expected. This biology centered diary study paper attempts at addressing molecular researches to explore neuro - driven individual cognitive preference indication. Based on literature review, a conceptual framework of field research would be designed. Partial mixed methods (MM) research would be carried out in three stages: a) development of primary qualitative data collection instrument; b) qualitative and quantitative analysis; and c) substantiation of analysis by experiment(s). Objective is to monitor diary study philosophy of biology in behavioural models. Questions to be explored are; what are the core cognitive apparatuses of individual cognitive preferences and efficacy, how cognitive predispositions mark individuals’ cognitive preferences do and what standpoints on individual intent cognitive preference prototypes are. Methodology includes interdisciplinary thinking modeling attempt with an empirical part. For clinical tests, single - subject would be chosen. Purpose is to reject traditional assumptions and evaluate those cognitive factors and especially eye movements have stimulus on actor’s choice. Focus is to replicate diary study philosophy of biology in research. Discriminating between different candidate theories (model selection), paper attempts to address new findings to answer issues in preference indication.