In the process of envisaging the establishment of 30 turfs across various states in India, Juggernaut Sports Entertainment Private Limited planned to conduct a detailed market research study for the same. The case is divided into two parts (A and B). Juggernaut MD (Mr. Shah) took the help of postgraduate student researchers to understand the feasibility of this project and gave them a timeline of 18 months to conduct the market research study. The student researchers in Part A of the case study (Phase-I) conducted a secondary research and in-depth interviews in the first stage of the study (Total timeline: 2018-2020). This case is based on the second stage (Phase-II), where the focus was to set the right priorities and concentrate on monetizing footfalls at Juggernaut. Some of the questions that loomed large in Mr. Shah’s mind were: (a) How to design a loyalty program which would lead to CRM and benefit them in the long run? (b) Would coaching as a service at Juggernaut be profitable and what would the dynamics of designing this service in terms of elements such as tie-ups with schools, number of coaches required and ideal time slots to avail the service look like? (c) What were the various other ways to derive income from spectators?
Keywords: marketing, retail, sports, market research