Assistant Professor
PhD (IIM Tiruchirappalli)
Research Interests: Corporate Governance and Auditing
Narendra Nath Kushwaha works in the areas of corporate governance and auditing. He holds a PhD in Finance and Accounting from IIM Tiruchirappalli and was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at IIM Bangalore. He has also briefly worked in the industry at the Bank of New York Mellon in Pune, India.
Journal Publications
Kushwaha N. N., Anand A., Jayadev M. & Raghunandan K. (2024). Related party transactions and audit fees: Indian evidence. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 1-21.
Kushwaha N. N., & Dixit K. B. (2024). The Satyam effect on related party loans in India. Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, 39(1), 84-106.
Gupta J., Kushwaha N. N., Li X., Ebrahimi T. (2024). Does firm-level political risk influence earnings management? Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 1-34.
Case and Teaching Note