The Conversation Series: The Graveyard of Empires: Geopolitics of the Afghanistan Crisis
The Conversation Series: The Graveyard of Empires: Geopolitics of the Afghanistan Crisis
The Afghans have been known for their indomitable spirit. For centuries, Afghanistan has thwarted the colonial machinations of global powers. Almost all efforts ended badly – from the British colonial escapades of the 19th century to the Soviet invasion, to the recent dismal end of the 20-year American attempt. Earning Afghanistan the sinister epithet, the graveyard of empires. The recent unruly scenes at Kabul airport, the hasty withdrawal of American forces, and Afghans fleeing the Taliban takeover shook the world. The swift Taliban victory negated two decades of America's ‘nation-building’ efforts.
What does this mean for India's national interest? What can India do to safeguard regional security & stability? Will the quad partnership be helpful to combat the security threats? How and when should India formally recognise the Taliban regime?
Our speaker, a decorated army veteran with distinguished service awards and a deep scholar of strategy and statecraft, will discuss the possible consequences of the Afghan crisis for India and the world. With his vast experience in military affairs and national security, he will share views on the geopolitical fallout of the situation, and suggest possible ways forward