

May 2024

11 AM - 12:30 PM IST

Room 207, School of Arts and Sciences
Central Campus
Ahmedabad University


Generative AI and the Disruption in Higher Education & Academia

Social Sciences Division Seminar Series
Sangeet Kumar

Sangeet Kumar

Associate Professor of Media Studies
Communication Department
Denison University, USA

This talk will focus on the impending changes in the field of higher education from the widespread use of generative AI chatbots (e.g. ChatGPT). While many predictions have been made about how their use will reshape the field of education, actual experiences have perhaps gone beyond any expectations thus requiring a collective stocktaking for the future. In analysing the nature of GAI and the challenges and opportunities it presents for the field of higher education, the talk will deliberate on possible strategies and best practices for preserving pedagogical values in the era of GAI. It will discuss how we can harness its advantages while remaining cautious towards its harms.


Sangeet Kumar