Research Opportunities: International Growth Centre (IGC)
Research Opportunities: International Growth Centre (IGC)
The University Grants Office invites you to an online workshop on opportunities via the International Growth Centre (IGC).
Mr Kumar Das, Programme Policy Manager for IGC Bihar and Ms Bijeta Mohanty, Programme Economist will be joining us for a discussion on research priorities, the grant making process and policy engagement at the IGC. They will then be available to interact with the attendees.
About the IGC:
The International Growth Centre (IGC) aims to promote sustainable growth in developing countries by providing demand-led policy advice based on frontier research. The IGC directs a global network of world-leading researchers and in-country teams in Africa and South Asia and works closely with partner governments to generate high-quality research and policy advice on key growth challenges. The IGC’s global research agenda focuses on four key themes: State effectiveness, productive firms, liveable cities and reliable energy access.