Global Water Security as A Multi-Disciplinary Challenge: The International Water Security Network
About the Speaker:
Professor Chad has worked and researched on water-related issues in several countries globally. His key areas of expertise are resource economics and policy, water conservation and water-related technology and engineering for urban resilience. His current teaching is almost entirely in the areas of water resource efficiency, water services in the developing world and water-related resilience. Chad has over 50 publications, has given more than 100 lectures and seminars worldwide and has held research grants from Canadian, US, UK and EU sources. He is currently Director of the International Water Security Network (, a 5-year research programme generously supported by Lloyd’s Register Foundation.
Selected Publications:
In Press (with F. Sun, M. Chen) “Developing and Applying Water Security Metrics in China: Experience and Challenges”, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, forthcoming 2017 (with M. Everard) “Epistemologies of Community-based groundwater recharge in semi-arid north Rajasthan: progress and lessons for groundwater-dependent areas” in R. Baghel and L. Stepan (eds.) Water, Knowledge and the Environment in Asia: Epistemologies, Practices and Locales, Taylor & Francis Ltd, Routledge, ISBN-139781138685550
2016 (with Bean, E., Appleby, T.) Holding Back the Tide: an exploration of the possible legal basis for a claim of a right to be protected from flooding, Journal of Water Law, 25 (2), pp.61-68
2016 (with Sarkozi R., Langberg S.) Urban Water Governance as a Function of the ‘Urban Hydrosocial Transition’, in E. Karar (Ed.) Water Governance for the 21st Century, Springer, 978-3-319-43348-6
2016 (with Hayes, E. T. and Brown, J.) Potential environmental impacts of ‘fracking’ in the UK, Geography, 101 (2). pp. 60-69. ISSN 0016-7487 Available from: