Visiting Professor
PhD (University of Kerala)
Research Interests: Management and Economics of Arts and Creative Industry, Climate and Biodiversity Financing, Global Commons, IPRs and Digital Technologies with Focus on Blockchains/IoT
Professor Damodaran obtained his PhD from the University of Kerala. He has held several academic and professional assignments abroad, such as a Fellow with the US-EPA, visiting positions at the University of California in Berkeley; University of Bonn; Institute of Developing Economies, Japan; University of Wageningen, The Netherlands; and Graduate School of Management, St Petersburg State University, Russia.He was appointed Visiting Fellow at the United Nations University- IAS , Japan, during 2011. He won a Homi Bhabha Fellowship during 2004-06.
He was a full-time Professor at IIM Bangalore from December 2005 to January 2023, where he taught courses in Managerial Economics, IPR for Business, Global Commons Negotiations and Business in Network Technologies, Economics of Global Commons and Sustainable Development, and Economics and Managerial Dimensions of Arts and Culture. Professor Damodaran is a highly-regarded teacher and was awarded the Dewang Mehta National Best Teacher Award in Economics in 2016 by the Dewang Mehta Foundation.
He served as Member on the IIMB Board, Member of the FDEC, Chairperson of the Post Graduate Programme in Public Policy and Management (PGPPM), and Area Chairperson. He served as a member of many international expert groups in Environment Management. He is the Chair of the Technical Advisory Group on the Government of India-UNDP project, ‘BIOFIN.’
He is currently Distinguished Professor with Indian Council for Research in International Economic Relations (ICRIER), New Delhi.
Professor Damodaran’s research areas include Environmental Economics and Financing, Cultural Economics, IPR Economics with reference to the Transfer of Technology, Global Commons Management, and Economics of Distributed Network Technologies (Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies). He is widely published, and his papers and articles have appeared in prestigious international journals. His notable books include Encircling the Seamless: India, Climate Change and the Global Commons (2010) and Managing Arts in Times of Pandemics and Beyond (2022).
(*All three are sole authored)
Refereed International Discussion Papers and Technical Monographs
Publications/Reports of/for the World Bank & UN Organizations
Book Chapters
Select Peer Reviewed Papers
Other Select Papers
Working Papers
Publications in Arts & Culture
Select Articles in Periodicals
HRT634 Arts, Culture and Heritage - A Managerial Economics Perspective