The academic session of the fourth batch of Masters in Heritage Management Programme offered by Ahmedabad University commenced with an Inaugural Seminar on 14 July 2018. The seminar began with opening remarks by Professor Neel Kamal Chapagain, Director, Centre for Heritage Management, Ahmedabad University. He welcomed the students to the University and the Centre and shared the genesis of Ahmedabad University, Centre and the Master's Degree programme in Heritage Management. In his inaugural address, Professor Devanath Tirupati, Dean, Amrut Mody School of Management, Ahmedabad University talked about the importance of academic rigour, interdisciplinary learning and vision of the University.
As part of this seminar, students and faculty shared their academic and professional background, understanding of heritage and the rationale of choosing the heritage management programme. The seminar concluded with an interactive session with senior students and alumni in which they shared their learning experiences at the Centre and current engagements. Subsequently, students joined a week-long orientation programme organized by the University for the new students.