The School of Arts and Sciences at Ahmedabad University has five divisions, spanning the liberal arts and sciences. It practices collaborative, interdisciplinary learning, and helps students to acquire the ability to analyse as well as synthesise ideas and information so they can form cogent arguments and creatively express themselves as they progress in academic life.

With Majors in subjects ranging from Computer Science to Psychology, from Life Sciences to Visual Arts, from Economics to Philosophy, History and Languages, the School’s undergraduate and graduate courses offer a stimulating intellectual environment.

The School of Arts and Sciences at Ahmedabad University has five divisions, spanning the liberal arts and sciences. It practices collaborative, interdisciplinary learning, and helps students to acquire the ability to analyse as well as synthesise ideas and information so they can form cogent arguments and creatively express themselves as they progress in academic life. With Majors in subjects ranging from Computer Science to Psychology, from Life Sciences to Visual Arts, from Economics to Philosophy, History and Languages, the School’s undergraduate and graduate courses offer a stimulating intellectual environment.



The Day I Became a Runner: A Women’s History of India Through the Lens of Sports  Read more>

Fusion on Earth- A Quintessential Scientific Pursuit with a Big Commercial Goal  Read more>

Quantum Computing and its Applications to Atoms and Molecules  Read more>

A Black Hole Story  Read more>

Quantum Gravity: A View from General Relativity  Read more>