Associate Professor
PhD (Maharshi Dayanand University)
+91.79.61911284 (office); +91.79.61912286 (Lab)
Research Interests: Species, Climate Warming, and Evolution
I grew up in the Thar Desert and loved the rain and the mountains. So, the Himalayas became my first study site. I started my scientific career studying drought tolerance in insects and later spent time exploring chemical and physical properties of insect cuticle and its genetic regulators. I am broadly trained in ecological and evolutionary physiology. After finishing my doctoral work at Parkash Lab at the Bioscience Department (now Genetics) of Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, I held postdoctoral appointments at the University of Nevada (Gibbs Lab) and the University of Pennsylvania (Schmidt Lab), USA. While working at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, I decided to return to India on the prestigious Ramanujan Fellowship from DST-SERB, Government of India. I liked Stepwell so much that I decided to settle down here and set up the first lab integrating 'ecology, evolution, and physiology' in Western India (in 2017). I am interested in understanding the fundamental questions around spatiotemporal variations, metabolic ecology, and rapid adaptation in natural populations of a range of insects (fruit flies, mosquitos, and bees). These queries aim to understand 'Organismal responses to climate change' and their broader impacts on the ecosystem. I describe my research approach as ‘Macrophysiology to molecules’. I am concerned about the declining numbers of insects and their overall impacts on the ecosystem. I hope someday insects will return to our lives and this planet will become more colorful and sustainable. I teach evolutionary biology and thermal physiology at the School of Arts and Sciences, Ahmedabad University.
Lab Page: Species, Climate warming, & Evolution Lab
Editorial Board Member:
Journal of Thermal Biology IF3.2 Publisher: Elsevier
Current Opinion in Insect Science IF5.2 Publisher: Elsevier
Scientific Data IF9.8 Publisher: Springer Nature
Current Research in Insect Science IF2.2 Publisher: Elsevier
Prior Appointments:
@ the School of Arts and Sciences, Ahmedabad University
PhD Programme Chair, Biological and Life Sciences
2019 to 2022
@ the Ahmedabad University
Faculty Chair, The Nalanda
@ the Ahmedabad University
Chair, Student Disciplinary Committee
EEE Lab is interested in understanding the responses of organisms to changing environments i.e. warming. Our approach is from ‘macrophysiology to molecules’. The focus is on the interaction between phenotypic plasticity and adaptation, and the relationship between underlying physiological and molecular mechanisms. Ecological changes drive evolution which acts on organism’s physiology and thereby fitness. The ecological conditions are never stable, and organisms must cope with varying conditions i.e. physiological performance or some form of regulation. We do it by either manipulating organisms or their environments. We also make use of experimental evolution to study how physiological systems function and evolve under defined conditions. The combined approach we follow helps us understand ecological patterns and processes, survival in and adaptation to a changing world.
Ongoing Projects:
1. A warming world and thermal preference (insect*microbe interactions).
2. Thermal properties of insect chemical secretions (cuticular hydrocarbons).
3. Heat-associated body water loss and its impact on fitness (metabolomics).
4. Temperature games of structural colours (interference patterns)
5. Life of a cold specialist in a warming world (SNPs-based characterization).
Our Approach: 'macrophysiology to molecules'
EEE Lab also hosts a resource on Indian Drosophila Ecology & Evolution (a window to Indian Drosophila clines DrosoCline). The research findings associated with this long-term study are regularly updated on the following web resource:
Current LAB Members
Dr. Harshad Mayekar
National Post-doctoral Fellow, SERB
Start Date: Jan 2022
PhD from IISER, Trivandrum, India
Harshad is interested in how phenotypic plasticity (a genomes' ability to express alternative phenotypes) enables organisms to cope with environmental variation. He works with insects and explores plasticity associated with different life-history traits. He uses a combination of lab experiments and field analyses to understand the adaptive nature of plasticity.
Divita Garg
PhD Candidate, Shodh Fellow
Start Date: Jul 2020
M.Sc. in Life Sciences from Mount Carmel College, Bengaluru, India
Divita is interested in the evolution of thermal preference in natural populations of Drosophila species. Ecology could drive organism's physiology and thereby fitness. One of her approaches is to study these using populations made of different genetic backgrounds. To understand the underlying molecular wiring she uses metabolomics, transcriptomics and whole-genome sequencing platforms.
Abhishek Nair
PhD Student-Lab Rotation
Start Date: Jan 2022
Integrated MS in Life Sciences from Ahmedabad University, Ahmedabad, India
Abhishek is particularly interested in the structures and functions of insect cuticles. With the use of integrative approaches, he is trying to make connections across morphology and physiology. To address the questions of interest he uses natural populations of Drosophila species.
Avirup Chakraborty
PhD Student
Start Date: Jan 2024
Integrated MS in Biotechnology from St. Xavier's College, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India
Abhishek is interested in thermal physiology of insects. He thinks it is crucial to understand behavioural response to temperature and temperature variation experienced in natural habitats. Temperature is a ubiquitous environmental cue that has widespread effects on physiology, performance, and fitness. He is looking at this problem from integrative approach.
Stephen Mekwan
PhD Student
Start Date: Jan 2025
MSc in Botany from St. Joseph's University, Bangaluru, India
Stephen is interested in plant-insect interactions and how this dynamic relationship is threatened in the wake of climate change and global temperature changes. Seek to integrate tree phenology and insect physiology to understand the drivers behind these pressures on this highly sensitive relationship.
Email: [email protected]
LAB Alumni
Scientific Staff
4. Abhishek Nair, Project Assistant: 2021-2021
Now: PhD Student, Ahmedabad University, Ahmedabad, India
3. Prachi Mehta, Project Assistant: 2020-2021
Now: Masters Student, Northeastern University, Boston, USA
2. Mayur Variya, Project Assistant; 2019-2020
Now: Field Biologist, Namdapha Tiger Reserve, Arunachal Pradesh, India
1. Rupesh Maurya, Senior Research Fellow; 2017-2019
Now: Assistant Professor in Bioscience at Indrashil University, Mehsana, Gujarat, India
Master Thesis Candidates/ PhD Candidates:
7. Kavya Durga, Integrated MS in Life Sciences; Master's Thesis Candidate 2021
6. Yusra Mariam, Integrated MS in Life Sciences; Master's Thesis Candidate 2021
5. Disha Patel, Integrated MS in Life Sciences; Master's Thesis Candidate 2020
4. Iffat Khan, Integrated MS in Life Sciences; Master's Thesis Candidate 2020
3. Shrusti Shah, Integrated MS in Life Sciences; Master's Thesis Candidate 2020
2. Jaydip Pipaliya, Integrated MS in Life Sciences; Master's Thesis Candidate 2019
1. Homica Arya, Integrated MS in Life Sciences; Master's Thesis Candidate 2019
High School/Undergraduate/Masters Interns/Lab Rotation-PhD Programme Students:
6. Kamayani Vajpayee, Lab Rotation-PhD programme: Monsson Semester 2021
5. Divita Garg, Lab Rotation-PhD programme: Monsoon Semester 2020
4. Harshita Bhati, Lab Rotation-PhD Programme: Monsoon Semester 2019
3. Shreyas Iyer, Integrated MS in Life Sciences; Summer Intern 2018 & 2019
2. Riddhi Rathod, Lab Rotation-PhD Programme; Monsoon Semester 2018
1. Shilpi Agrawal, 11/12th Grade; Ahmedabad International School; Summer Intern; 2018 & 2019
Bitter MC, Greensblum S, Rajpurohit S, Bergland AO, Hemker JA, Betancourt NJ, Tilk S, Beradi S, Oken H, Schmidt P, Petrov D. 2024. Pervasive fitness trade-offs revealed by rapid adaptation in large experimental populations of Drosophila melanogaster. bioRxiv.
Nair A, Mayekar H, Sharma MD, Garg D, Mitchell C, Hosken DJ, Rajpurohit S. 2025. High altitude favours long-chained hydrocarbons in Drosophila. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, accepted.
Berardi S, Rhodes JA, Berner MC, Greenblum SI, Bitter MC, Behrman EL, Betancourt NJ, Bergland AO, Petrov DA, Rajpurohit S, Schmidt P. 2025. Drosophila melanogaster pigmentation demonstrates adaptive phenotypic parallelism but genomic unpredictability over multiple timescales. Evolution Letters, accepted.
Garg D, Mayekar HV, Paikra S, Mishra M, Rajpurohit S. 2025. Wing-spot in a tropical and a temperate drosophilid: C=C and conserved thermal response. BMC Ecology & Evolution.
Garg J, Dhotre K, Mayekar HV, Grewal RS, Rajpurohit S. 2024. Structural colouration in Drosophila wings is thermally plastic and exhibits ecological variation. Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution.
Mayekar H, Ramkumar DK, Garg D, Nair A, Khandelwal A, Joshi K, Rajpurohit S. 2022. Clinal variation as a tool to understand climate change. Frontiers in Physiology. 13:880728. DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2022.880728.
Media Coverage: The Scientist arsTECHNICA The Hindu The Times of India
Media Coverage: The Times of India
Media Coverage: The Times of India
Media Coverage:
Research Grants:
6. UKRI Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) Fund 2024
Title: Understanding the Climate-resilience of Insect Holobionts
5. Climate Change Department, Government of Gujarat 2023-2025
Title eDNA assessment of Nalsarovar wetland: understanding the interplay of life and temperature (PI Subhash Rajpurohit)
4. Ahmedabad University 2022-25
(Interdisciplinary Programmes around Sustainable Systems and Living: Cities, Health and Climate Change)
Title Climate understanding of dengue spread in urban landscapes (Team: Darshini Mahadevia, Aditya Vaishya, Bhargava Adhvaryu, Kaushik Jana, and Subhash Rajpurohit)
3. SERB Core Research Grant 2019-2022
Title Cuticle soft or hard: How do insects balance water? (PI Subhash Rajpurohit)
2. SERB-DST Ramanujan Fellowship 2018-2022 Core Research Grant 2019-2023
Title Fly populations response to warming (PI Subhash Rajpurohit)
1. University Research Board- Ahmedabad University 2018-2021 (Startup Research Grant)
Title Organismal responses to climate warming (PI Subhash Rajpurohit)
Conference Support:
1. GSBTM grant (GSBTM/JD-HRD/FSA/2022-2023/00024448) for organizing the conference : Revolutionising Darwinian Synthesis: Fresh Perspectives and Future Challenges. Date: 9-11 Feb 2023
2. SERB grant (SSY/2022/000965) for organizing the conference : Revolutionising Darwinian Synthesis: Fresh Perspectives and Future Challenges. 9-11 Feb 2023
Science Outreach Grants:
To Postdoc Dr. Harshad Mayekar
1. Science outreach grant from Society for the Study of Evolution SSE, USA in 2022
Title: Taking-off with flies: what they tell us about evolution?
Awards & Fellowships:
Recent Invited TALKS
23. Spatiotemporal variations in insect cuticular hydrocarbons. 10 Day Training Programme on Chemical Ecology: Exploring Insect-Plant Interactions. Indian Institute of Horticulture Research. 24 March 2025.
22. Insect pigmentation: a tale of being dark and light. National Seminar on "Recent Trends in Biology". Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India. 22 March 2025.
21. Wing spot in a tropical and a temperate drosophilid: C=C and conserved thermal response. Frontiers in Entomology-2025. Indian Agriculture Research Institute, New Delhi, India. Date 7 Jan 2025.
20. Drosophila pigmentation: genetic modularity, phenotypic parallelism, and adaptive response. Workshop: Insect Cuticle in a Warming World. Exeter University, Penryn, UK. 5 June 2024.
19. Hydrocarbon and melanin: genetic modularity, phenotypic parallelism, and adaptive response. Workshop: Theoretical and Empirical Approaches to Understand Polygenic Adaptation. ICTS, Bangalore, India. 16 May 2024.
18. Dealing with drought: connecting dots from behaviour to pathways. SEB Centenary Conference 2023, EICC, Edinburgh, UK. Date 4-7 Jul 2023.
17. Cuticular hydrocarbons under different environments. 'Frontiers in Biology' Symposium organized by Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Thiruvananthapuram, India. Date 18 Mar 2023.
16. Water balance in insects: phenotypes to genotype. 'Joint Scientific Discussion Ahmedabad University and Clemson University' organized by Ahmedabad University, Ahmedabad, India. Date: 01 Jul 2022.
15. Understanding water balance in insects. 'Zoology in 21st Century' organized by the Department of Zoology, Shivaji University, Kohlapur, India. Date: 17-22 Jan 2022.
14. Water balance in Drosophila: insights from natural populations, selection experiments, and genome-wide association studies. 'Indian Drosophila Research Meeting InDRC2021' organized by IISER-Kolkata, India. Date: 13-17 Dec 2021.
13. Wing-spot chemistry reflects male fitness and dictates female choice in Drosophila biarmipes. 'International Symposium on Advances in Comparative Endocrinology and Behavioural Ecology' organized by Department of Zoology, Pune University, Pune, India. Date: 1-3 Jul 2021.
12. Drosophila Ecology "Drosophila melanogaster as a model” organized by the Skill Development Centre (SDC), BEICH RUSA.2.0 and Department of Human Genetics and Molecular Biology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India. Date: 27 Jan 2021
11. Evolution: Mechanisms and Evidence. "Gyan Ganga" An Initiative of Deparatment of College Education, Rajasthan. Department of Zoology, Meera Girls College, Udaipur, India. Date: 11 Jan 2021
10. Water balance in insects: macrophysiology to molecules. National Conference on "Evolution and Adaptation: Current Scenario", Institute of Science, GITAM, Visakhapatnam, Orissa, India. Date: 10-11 Dec 2020
9. TRP channels role in thermal preference: A fly story. Bioinformatics Centre, Birla Institute of Scientific Research, Jaipur, India. Date: 21 Jan 2020
8. Thermal preference in Drosophila: it's not that simple. ISEB2: Indo-Swiss Meeting on Evolutionary Biology. Centre for Human Genetics, Bangalore, India. Date: 12-14 Dec 2019
7. Molecules matter: Insect cuticular hydrocarbons. ISEB1: Celebrating Ecology and Evolution in India. First Conference of the Indian Society of Evolutionary Biologists. JNCASR, Bangalore, India. Date: 24-25 October 2019.
6. Seasonality and eco-evolutionary dynamics. H N B Garhwal University Campus Chauras/Birma Campus, Tehari, Uttrakhand, India.. Date: 18 September 2019.
5. Water Balance in Insects. H N B Garhwal University Campus Badshahithaul, Srinagar, Uttrakhand, India. Date: 20 September 2019.
4. Impact and risks to ecosystem. Global Centre for Environment and Energy. Ahmedabad University, Ahmedabad, India. Date: 23 August 2019.
3. Natural variation, laboratory selection, and genomics of desiccation tolerance in Drosophila. International Centre for Theoretical Sciences-TIFR Bangaluru (3rd Bangalore School on Population Genetics & Evolution), Bangaluru, India. Date: 15 March 2018.
2. Understanding geographical clines: seasonality and eco-evolutionary dynamics. IISER Pune, Maharastra, India. Date: 14 Feb 2017.
1. Adaptation to spatial and temporal environmental variants in Drosophila. Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangaluru, India. Date: 25 Oct 2016.
Scientific Conference/Meetings Presentations
31. The 38th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Chemical Ecology. Date: 23-27 July 2023. Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore, India. (Oral Talk: Finding parallels: latitudinal and altitudinal differences in cuticular hydrocarbons).
30. 23rd International Conference on Genetics. Date: 16-21 July 2023. Melbourne, Australia. (Poster Presentation with Harshad Mayekar: Genetic basis of cuticular hydrocarbons plasticity in a tropical high altitudinal population of Drosophila melanogaster.
29. International Conference on Frontiers at the Chemisry-Allied Sciences Interface (FCASI-2023). Date: 20-21 April 2023. University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India. (Poster Presentation with Abhishek Nair: Molecules matter: the fascinating world of insect hydrocarbons).
28. The 4th Conference of the Indian Society of Evolutionary Biologists. Revolutioning Darwinian Synthesis: Fresh Perspectives and Future Challenges. Date: 09-11 February 2023. Ahmedabad University, India. (Oral Presentation with Harshad Mayekar. Multidimensional insect cuticle: a juvenile perspective).
27. The 4th Conference of the Indian Society of Evolutionary Biologists. Revolutioning Darwinian Synthesis: Fresh Perspectives and Future Challenges. Date: 9-11 February 2023. Ahmedabad University, India. (Poster Presentation with Abhishek Nair: Altitudinal differences in cuticular hydrocarbons in Drosophila).
26. European Society for Evolutionary Biology ESEB 2022. Date: 14-19 August 2022. Prague Congress Centre, Prague, Czech Republic. (Oral Presentation with Divita Garg. Wing-spot and good gene hypothesis: it's not that simple).
25. European Society for Evolutionary Biology ESEB 2022. Date: 14-19 August 2022. Prague Congress Centre, Prague, Czech Republic. (Poster Presentation with Harshad Mayekar. Multifaceted insect cuticle: Different stages-different patterns).
24. International Conference on Insect Systematics and Evolutionary Biology ISEB3. Date 16-18 February 2022. Punjabi University, Patiala, India (Oral Presentation with Divita Garg: Wing-spot pigmentation responds to temperature in a non-linear fashion).
23. Indian Drosophila Research Conference InDRC2021. Date 13-17 December 2021. IISER, Kolkata, India (Poster Presentation with Divita Garg: Understanding ecological significance of Drosophila wing spot).
22. Virtual EVOLUTION 2021. Society for the Study of Evolution. Date 21-25 Jun 2021. On-Demand Talk: No water, no eggs - insights from a warming outdoor mesocosm experiment).
21. ISEB2: Indo-Swiss Meeting on Evolutionary Biology. Date: 12-14 Dec 2019. Centre for Human Genetics, Bangalore, India (Invited Talk: Thermal preference in Drosophila: It's not that simple).
20. ISEB1: Celebrating Ecology and Evolution in India. First Conference of the Indian Society of Evolutionary Biologists. Date: 24-25 October 2019. Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, India (Invited Talk: Molecules matter: cuticular hydrocarbons).
19. The 3rd Bangalore School on Population Genetics & Evolution. Date: 15 March 2018. International Centre for Theoretical Sciences-TIFR Bangalore, India (Invited Talk: Natural variation, laboratory selection, and genomics of desiccation tolerance in Drosophila).
18. The 5th Asia Pacific Drosophila Research Conference APDRC and Indian Drosophila Research Conference. Date: 6-10 Jan 2020. Indian Institute of Science & Education, Pune, India (Poster Presentation with Homica Arya: But first, give me water!: Drosophila adults refrain from copulation when dehydrated).
17. The 3rd Biennial Indian Drosophila Research Conference (InDRC). 6-9 Dec 2017. Indian Institute of Science & Education, Bhopal, India (Poster Presentation- Rajpurohit et al.: Post-eclosion temperature effects on insect cuticular hydrocarbon profiles).
16. European Society of Evolutionary Biology. 10-14 Aug 2015. Lausanne, Switzerland (Oral Presentation- Rajpurohit et al.: Allelic variation at TrpA1 and trpl regulated thermal-mediated behavior in the lab and field in Drosophila).
15. European Society of Evolutionary Biology. 10-14 Aug 2015. Lausanne, Switzerland (Poster Presentation- Rajpurohit et al.: Eco-evolutionary dynamics in response to seasonal adaptation in Drosophila).
14. Drosophila Research Conference. Date: March 4-8, 2015. Chicago, USA (Oral Presentation- Bergland et al.: Genome-wide test of a life-history model underlying seasonal adaptation in Drosophila).
13. The 5th International Symposium on the Environmental Physiology of Ectotherms and Plants (ISEPEP). Date 12-16 Aug 2013. Ontario, Canada (Poster Presentation-Nedved & Rajpurohit: Clinal variation in ecophysiological traits in drosophilids of the Indian subcontinent).
12. EVOLUTION 2013. Date June 21-25, 2013. Salt Lake City, USA. (Poster Presentation-Rajpurohit et al.: Spatial and temporal variation in drought tolerance in North American populations of Drosophila melanogaster).
11. EVOLUTION 2013. Date June 21-25, 2013. Salt Lake City, USA. (Poster Presentation-Etges et al.: Transcriptomics of cuticular hydrocarbon expression in a desert drosophilid: age and temperature/desiccation stress).
10. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology SICB 2013. Date: 3-7 Jan 2013. San Francisco, USA (Oral Presentation-Gibbs et al. Testing melanism-desiccation hypothesis using experimental evolution).
9. EVOLUTION 2011. Date: 17-21 June 2011. Norman, Oklahoma, USA (Poster Presentation-Etges et al.: Ecological genomics of stage and age specific responses to different host plants in populations of Drosophila mojavensis).
8. APS Intersociety Meeting: Global Change & Global Science: Comparative Physiology in a Changing World. Denver, Colorado, USA. Date: 4-7 Aug 2010. Westminster, Colorado, USA (Poster Presentation-Rajpurohit et al.: Transcriptome analysis of desiccation in desert adapted Drosophila mojavensis).
7. EVOLUTION 2010. Date: 25-29 Jun 2010. Portland, Oregon, USA (Poster Presentation-Etges et al.: Ecological genomics of host use and mating status in Drosophila mojavensis).
6. The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology SICB. Date: 3-7 Jan 2010. Seattle, WA, USA (Poster Presentation-Marlon et al.: Evolution of gene expression in larval fat body of stress-selected Drosophila).
5. Drosophila Research Conference. Date: 4-8 Mar 2009. Chicago, USA (Poster Presentation-Rajpurohit et al.: Drosophilids as indicators of changing climatic conditions).
4. Gordon Research Conference on Evolutionary and Ecological Functional Genomics. Date: 12-17 Jul 2009. New Hampshire, USA (Poster Presentation-Rajpurohit et al.: Evolution of gene expression in larval fat body of stress-selected Drosophila).
3. Gordon Research Conference on Evolutionary and Ecological Functional Genomics. Date: 12-17 Jul 2009. New Hampshire, USA (Poster Presentation-Oliveira et al.: Ecological genomics of host plant adaptation and stress in desert Drosophila).
2. International Workshop on The Evolution of Sexual Size Dimorphism. Date: 4-7 Sep 2005. Locarno, Switzerland (Poster Presentation-Rajpurohit et al.: Morphometric variations in altitudinal populations of three Drosophila species).
1. The 8th Japanese Drosophila Research Conference. Date: 2-4 Jul 2006. Osaka, Japan (Poster Presentation-Rajpurohit et al.: Adaptations to altitudinally varying colder environments: Correlated changes in melanism, desiccation tolerance and reproductive fitness traits in Drosophila immigrants).
Newspaper Coverage/Blogs:
Evolution can happen at shorter timescales, a fruitfly study shows
Too hot to handle: High-temperature hits mating, reproduction in fruit flies
The little Fruit-fly and big Climate Change: Short story of Drosophila melanogaster and the Flyfolk
Fruit flies' microbes shape their evolution
Mighty Evolution! Is Evolution a Hoax?
What does a fruit-fly tell us about water?
Panel Discussion; To mark the launch of the Global Centre for Environment and Energy at Ahmedabad University, a panel discussion was organized titled No ‘Plan B’: Looking Through the Sustainability Lens.
City Nature Challenge 2018 Ahmedabad, India
April 27-29, 2018
We, humans, share Ahmedabad with a large number of organisms living in our neighbourhoods! Let's try to find out what's out there! Join us (Rajpurohit Lab @ the Division of Biological & Life Sciences, School of Arts & Sciences, Ahmedabad University, Ahmedabad) in this citizen science adventure to catalogue our city's biodiversity!
Participation is very simple. Download the iNaturalist app to your mobile phone; then, from April 27-30, 2018, use the app to take photos of plants, trees, insects, animals, fungi, moss or other organisms you see and the iNaturalist community will help you identify it.
Note: For this project, our geographical boundary is outer ring road. Anything inside the outer ring road is advised to go in this work. Please keep your mobile coordinates open.
Stay tuned to us for further updates.
The City Nature Challenge is organized by Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County and California Academy of Sciences, USA.
May 1-3, 2018
1. Current Opinion in Insect Science
Editorial Board Member
2. Journal of Thermal Biology
Editorial Board Member
3. Current Research in Insect Science (CRIS)
Editorial Board Member
4. PLoS Climate
Academic Editorial Board Member
5. Scientific Data
Academic Editorial Board Member
In Past
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Board of Reviewing Editors 2018-2021
Current Science
Board of Subject Editors
Advisory Panel and Mentor:
Bio-NEST SRISTI Society for Research and Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies and Institution
Member, Equal Opportunity EO Committee:
European Society of Evolutionary Biology ESEB
PhD Programme Chair, Biological and Life Sciences
May 2019 to April 2022