Panel Discussion: Studying Abroad: A Piece of Heaven or a Rollercoaster Ride?
Studying abroad or completing a research experience in a foreign country will improve your communication, language and inter-cultural skills and allows you to gain additional soft skills highly valued by future employers. In addition, it allows you to explore exciting places, cultures, and foods. Sounds like heaven?
Not surprising, going global for higher studies or a research experience is a dream of most students. However, like any adventure, solid preparation is essential to make wise decisions and get the most out of this precious time. Typically, this process starts with determining your key interests, identifying potential funding opportunities, finding a great mentor, convincing the great mentor that you are the perfect match for the open position, timing and details to prevent problems in the application process and its screening procedures. There are many do's and don'ts which students need to navigate during this process. We are happy to invite you for an hour and half session with Professor Fredy Altpeter from University of Florida, USA and other panelists to provide insights into the application, funding and decision-making process and answer your questions related to your future academic adventure.
- Professor Fredy Altpeter, University of Florida, USA
- Professor Bhuvan Pathak (USA)
- Professor Vivek Tanavde (Singapore)
- Professor Noopur Thakur (Sweden)
- Professor Krishna Swamy (Taiwan)
- Dr. Trivima Sharma (Japan)
Date: August 24, 2023
Time: 5:30 PM
Venue: 300, School of Arts and Sciences
Registration link