

February 2025

2:30 - 4:00 PM IST

Room 318, School of Arts and Sciences
Central Campus


New Perspectives in Commutative and Non-commutative Groups

Mathematical and Physical Sciences Divisional Seminar Series
Mattia Brescia, Speaker at Ahmedabad University

Mattia Brescia

University of Naples

The present talk is meant to be an overview of recent developments in commutative and non-commutative group theory, with a special consideration for the interconnection between abelian and non-abelian groups, group automorphisms and combinatorial properties of finite and infinite groups. In particular, we will present a classification for the so-called metahamiltonian groups (i.e. groups in which every non-abelian subgroup is normal), some new results about groups with finitely many automorphisms and new perspectives on the study of well-known combinatorial constants such as the Davenport constant and the Harborth constant.


Mattia Brescia

Professor Mattia Brescia is a research faculty member of Algebra at the Department of Mathematics at the University of Naples, Italy, and is currently involved in research projects exploring the intersections of algebra, logic, and theoretical computer science. He obtained his PhD from the University of Naples. His research focuses on group theory, with a particular interest in automorphisms, infinite groups and existentially closed groups, as well as their connections to model theory and combinatorics.