24 March 2023
Repeating Scientific Warnings Until Meaningful Action Occurs
For an article on the recently released final Synthesis Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Mint Lounge interviewed Minal Pathak, Associate Professor, Global Centre for Environment and Energy, and Senior Scientist of Working Group III of IPCC. Professor Pathak said that the Synthesis Report is critical not just because it marks the culmination of a set of groundbreaking science reports dating back to 2018 but also because it is aimed squarely at policymakers. “Between 2018 and now, we haven’t really made the progress that we should have. And that’s why this report becomes significant. In order to reach the 1.5-degree goal, deep and ambitious reductions are necessary. Five years down the line, we are still saying the same thing. I strongly feel that this report should be taken very seriously by governments at all levels.” She added that it is important to keep repeating the scientific warnings until meaningful action occurs.
Professor Pathak called for country-specific, or even region-specific, synthesis reports, especially for a country like India. At the very least, there should be regular, institutionalised monitoring and progress of endeavours such as state action plans on climate change. “We don’t have a dynamic and ongoing process on risk assessment, or on climate science, or on greenhouse gas inventories,” she said, adding that such reports would also facilitate cross-learning between states, cities, and regions.
Read the article here.